New owner looking for case recs

New owner looking for case recs
« on: August 24, 2021, 04:28:16 PM »
Just got my rev 4 in the post today, gonna nestle it on a nice stand but in case I want to take it on the road, has anyone found a good fitting hard case they would recommend?


1976 MiniKORG700s // 1979 Prophet-5 rev.2 // 1981 KORG CX-3 // 1984 DX7 // 2020 Prophet-10 rev.4 // MoPho Box // 2 Creamware MiniMax // Creamware Pro-12 // 2 EMU-Proteus 2000 // EMU-Vintage Keys  // Casio VZ-10M // Roland VK-8M // Fatar SL 880 // Roland JUPITER-X