My updated wish list, and some of the other ideas in this thread that I think would be great to add:
1. Allow for more User Patches. 128 is very low for today's day and age. If at all possible, please make a way to switch to alternate banks of patches (even if it requires a menu dive to get to U2,U3,U4) and give us 512 or so user slots. Possible implementation: The Bank + 9-16 buttons are currently unused... perfect spot to access additional banks/patches from a UI standpoint.
2. Add Per-Key Voice Allocation option in Globals (or even better, per patch), along with the default Round Robin. Since the core sound architecture is very similar to P5, this would be a great addition to dial in more classic/vintage Prophet 5 character. It seems the fw algorithms have already been designed for r4.. If they can be ported over to Take 5, it would be awesome. It really makes sense for a five voice synth like this, and its especially pertinent / pronounced once you start introducing vintage knob voice offsets. This would be really great for expanding upon the character options for this synth. Voice allocation / stealing behavior is better with reassign for a 5v synth like this.
3. More usage of OLED screen for reporting exact values when you adjust settings. (a lot of requests for this in this thread)
4. Adjustable ADR contour setting (convex-linear-concave)... this is on my wish list for all current/future Sequential synths... would love to see an option... fine if its in menu and controlled by encoder.
5. Add a mode where Pressure/Aftertouch only affects the last key struck. This was added to PolyBrute in their FW 2.0, and its a very cool feature. Possibly even offer a few options: Lowest, Highest, and Last Key Pressure Assignment, and if you really wanted next level, add Last-2 and Last 3, where the very last hit key gets 100% of the pressure modulation, the key two presses back gets 50%, and the one before that gets 25%. This would create ability to create some really interesting pressure based modulation that is sensitive to the most recent keys hit, and not affecting everything... a "poor mans poly-aftertouch"... but in reality, it captures 90% of the same spirit. And the proposed Last 2 or Last 3 modes with scaling, would allow you to "bend chords" sort of like on guitar, where you may not bend each string equally. Would like to see this on all future Seq poly synths with channel aftertouch keybeds... its a great firmware based option to get closer to poly-at behavior.