Take 5 Firmware Update - Feature Requests

Re: Take 5 Firmware Update - Feature Requests
« Reply #80 on: May 19, 2022, 01:55:24 AM »
A idea to use the Take 5 in a better way as a controller for modules : adding a setting to change mid in and midi out channel, so the synth can play a sequence from a external sequencer AND playing another synth with this fantastic keyboard.

Re: Take 5 Firmware Update - Feature Requests
« Reply #81 on: May 22, 2022, 10:38:48 PM »
Hm, i own the synth since it's available and happy so far but i miss some little updates and i think, it's time to make a update... Any news about it?



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Re: Take 5 Firmware Update - Feature Requests
« Reply #82 on: May 23, 2022, 09:59:45 AM »
Maybe now that the OB-X8 development is finished (or almost finished) we'll see an update for the Take 5.  At least some bug fixes.  I hope they fix it so it responds to poly AT.

Re: Take 5 Firmware Update - Feature Requests
« Reply #83 on: May 23, 2022, 11:47:46 AM »
My updated wish list, and some of the other ideas in this thread that I think would be great to add:

1. Allow for more User Patches.  128 is very low for today's day and age.   If at all possible, please make a way to switch to alternate banks of patches (even if it requires a menu dive to get to U2,U3,U4) and give us 512 or so user slots.   Possible implementation:   The Bank + 9-16 buttons are currently unused... perfect spot to access additional banks/patches from a UI standpoint.

2. Add Per-Key Voice Allocation option in Globals (or even better, per patch), along with the default Round Robin.   Since the core sound architecture is very similar to P5, this would be a great addition to dial in more classic/vintage Prophet 5 character.   It seems the fw algorithms have already been designed for r4..  If they can be ported over to Take 5, it would be awesome.   It really makes sense for a five voice synth like this, and its especially pertinent / pronounced once you start introducing vintage knob voice offsets.   This would be really great for expanding upon the character options for this synth.   Voice allocation / stealing behavior is better with reassign for a 5v synth like this.

3. More usage of OLED screen for reporting exact values when you adjust settings.  (a lot of requests for this in this thread)

4. Adjustable ADR contour setting (convex-linear-concave)... this is on my wish list for all current/future Sequential synths... would love to see an option... fine if its in menu and controlled by encoder.

5. Add a mode where Pressure/Aftertouch only affects the last key struck.  This was added to PolyBrute in their FW 2.0, and its a very cool feature.   Possibly even offer a few options:  Lowest, Highest, and Last Key Pressure Assignment, and if you really wanted next level, add Last-2 and Last 3, where the very last hit key gets 100% of the pressure modulation, the key two presses back gets 50%, and the one before that gets 25%.    This would create ability to create some really interesting pressure based modulation that is sensitive to the most recent keys hit, and not affecting everything... a "poor mans poly-aftertouch"... but in reality, it captures 90% of the same spirit.    And the proposed Last 2 or Last 3 modes with scaling, would allow you to "bend chords" sort of like on guitar, where you may not bend each string equally.    Would like to see this on all future Seq poly synths with channel aftertouch keybeds... its a great firmware based option to get closer to poly-at behavior.

OB-X8, Pro 3, P6, Rev2, Take 5, 3rd Wave, Deepmind, PolyBrute, Sub 37
Sound Sets:
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Re: Take 5 Firmware Update - Feature Requests
« Reply #84 on: May 30, 2022, 11:20:47 AM »
Here's another thing that may be a bug.  When routing a poly mod source like an envelope to a mono destination like osc mix, only the 1st notes' modulation affects it.  For example, if you init a patch, turn down the osc mix on all oscs, then route an envelope to osc mix, set a pluck envelope with no sustain, then play a note, you'll hear the envelope affect the osc mix.  If you play and hold one note and let the envelope fade out, then play a 2nd note, you won't hear the 2nd notes' envelope affect the osc mix at all.  Only if you release all notes and then play another, will the new 1st note's envelope affect the destination.

Ideally, the poly sources to mono destinations should be either mixed and applied to all voices (or take the highest value at the time), or the last notes' modulation used instead of the first.  Or use the (unison) note priority setting to determine which note's modulation is applied.  This way the modulation can affect all notes similar to on a paraphonic synth.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2022, 11:23:02 AM by kpatz »

Re: Take 5 Firmware Update - Feature Requests
« Reply #85 on: June 02, 2022, 10:12:08 AM »
So... when are we getting an update? It has been a year since the release, you guys need to prioritize this because there are a ton of little polished missing as you can see from this long, old thread.

Also RIP Dave <3.

Re: Take 5 Firmware Update - Feature Requests
« Reply #86 on: June 05, 2022, 01:50:45 AM »
So... when are we getting an update? It has been a year since the release, you guys need to prioritize this because there are a ton of little polished missing as you can see from this long, old thread.

Also RIP Dave <3.

i'm checking every few weeks, nothings happening  .. the internal sequencer is still unusable :( and the assignment of micro tuning in globals is really nonsense to my workflow


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Re: Take 5 Firmware Update - Feature Requests
« Reply #87 on: June 08, 2022, 05:40:25 AM »
Post Your Firmware Update / Feature Requests here.

Definitely 1. values shown on screen 2. adjustable envelope curves.

Re: Take 5 Firmware Update - Feature Requests
« Reply #88 on: June 08, 2022, 07:46:13 AM »
So... when are we getting an update? It has been a year since the release, you guys need to prioritize this because there are a ton of little polished missing as you can see from this long, old thread.

Also RIP Dave <3.

i'm checking every few weeks, nothings happening  .. the internal sequencer is still unusable :( and the assignment of micro tuning in globals is really nonsense to my workflow
When you say the internal sequencer is still unusable, can you read my post that was posted yesterday June 7 and tell me if you have this problem with the sequencer? Thanks

Re: Take 5 Firmware Update - Feature Requests
« Reply #89 on: June 08, 2022, 01:55:05 PM »
Firstly, RIP Dave! So many records I love owe so much to his designs. Total legend.

Secondly, updating my list, and several of these are reiterations from others' posts—

1. I know this has been said a thousand times, but more user patch slots. This synth has so much sound design capacity that 128 slots get eaten up VERY fast.

2. This has also been previously mentioned a bunch, but visual cues on the screen when dialing in values, especially for clock-synced parameters (LFO rates, delay time, etc) would be helpful.

3. Envelope re-trigger option with sustain pedal.

4. Swing options in the time divisions.

5. I like the idea of a per-key voice allocation option, so +1 for that.

6. Looping envelope option for envelope 1.

7. Linear/thru zero FM options.

8. Global settings pedal function for volume.

9. I mentioned earlier that I had an issue with the distortion effect, which I love the sound of, but I realize now that the problem is that the depth/mix knob barely turns down the output of the effect, especially when you really crank the input gain (time knob) for some hair. If the output gain functioned as a full attenuator (down to zero), this would be a much more manageable effect. I try managing this with the program volume, but this just weakens the distortion sound, as though the effect is post-program volume. Oh, and again, different drive/distortion algorithm options on the overdrive knob would be excellent. I use distortion a lot for hazy shoegaze stuff so these fixes/additions would be huge for me, haha.

Re: Take 5 Firmware Update - Feature Requests
« Reply #90 on: June 09, 2022, 03:14:53 AM »
128 free presets in 2022 is ridiculous (sorry but that is how I think of it). If I buy a hardware synth I do that because I want to create my own sounds. Hate to do it on a computer with a mouse. Presets hardly cost memory space so it should be easy to upgrade. 128 presets I have full in one month. I am waiting for the Take 5 to get upgraded with more preset memory. Then I will buy the take 5. If I want to play factory presets I can use Analog lab so please upgrade the memory space. That also will have you sell more Take 5's.

Re: Take 5 Firmware Update - Feature Requests
« Reply #91 on: June 25, 2022, 12:34:49 PM »
Hey everyone, new Take 5 owner here.  I've had the synth for less than 24 hours but based on my time so far these are some issues I would like to see addressed and wish I knew about before plunking down cash for this synth.

1. it's been said in this thread before but the init patch needs to be an actual init patch without a stored sequence, very frustrating when using external clock and everytime you init a patch you have to remember to go record a blank step to get rid of the default sequence

2. needs to be a way to clear any stored sequence

3. using external MIDI clock should not cause all clock synced functions like LFOs, arpeggiator, etc. to stop entirely until the external transport is engaged (this is a major drag)

4. the sequencer should NOT be auto enabled and started when start transport is received even when turned off in the patch

5. syncing the arpeggiator to beats causes it to almost always drop the first note so is currently useless

6. there seems to be a very noticeable DC offset on sawtooth and square LFOs requiring the fine tune parameter to workaround

7. effects section desperately needs a compressor



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Re: Take 5 Firmware Update - Feature Requests
« Reply #92 on: June 25, 2022, 12:53:43 PM »
4. the sequencer should NOT be auto enabled and started when start transport is received even when turned off in the patch
This can be set in globals by setting Clock Mode to "In No S/S."  This allows the T5 to receive midi clock but it ignores start/stop commands.

Re: Take 5 Firmware Update - Feature Requests
« Reply #93 on: June 25, 2022, 02:10:49 PM »
4. the sequencer should NOT be auto enabled and started when start transport is received even when turned off in the patch
This can be set in globals by setting Clock Mode to "In No S/S."  This allows the T5 to receive midi clock but it ignores start/stop commands.

Thanks kpatz, this at least makes the default on patch init and any existing stored sequence less disruptive.

Re: Take 5 Firmware Update - Feature Requests
« Reply #94 on: June 28, 2022, 01:01:00 PM »
I am finding myself really wanting to be able to have a standard envelope for the VCA and then an auxiliary one to control other things.  If you want to use ENV1 as an AUX envelope the current operating system forces you to either forgo a VCA envelope entirely or have it tied to the filter at the same time.  We can use the mod matrix to map AUX to filter if needed but this does not work as well for the VCA because the existing routings conflict (GATE overrides, ENV2 Filter + VCA takes precedence). 

The ENV ROUTING options I would like to see are:

ENV1 Filter / ENV2 VCA
*** ENV1 AUX / ENV2 VCA ***
ENV1 AUX / ENV2 Filter + VCA

Related to this, it's odd that ENV2 does not support a negative amount like ENV1.     


Re: Take 5 Firmware Update - Feature Requests
« Reply #95 on: July 07, 2022, 04:22:14 PM »
Asked question in Gearslutzzzz forum about update. Carson replied that's it's in progress. Hopefully not too far off and that the powers that be have read suggestions posted here and implement most of them. 😀


Re: Take 5 Firmware Update - Feature Requests
« Reply #96 on: July 08, 2022, 12:57:42 AM »
the volume pot sending CC7 even parameter send is off is bugging me a lot, have now put a hardware midi filter box behind it to prevent connected synths to go silent, when I don't want to hear T5 (same with PRO 3)

Re: Take 5 Firmware Update - Feature Requests
« Reply #97 on: July 08, 2022, 02:02:22 PM »
the volume pot sending CC7 even parameter send is off is bugging me a lot, have now put a hardware midi filter box behind it to prevent connected synths to go silent, when I don't want to hear T5 (same with PRO 3)

Agree that it would be nice (on all Seq synths) if there's a way (in Globals) to disable CC7 Volume send... to be able to quickly switch between using the keybed as a MIDI controller for other devices and then back to internal sounds with the turn of the volume dial. 

As a bonus, it would be nice if there was a shortcut for switching MIDI output channel.  For example, hold Up Octave Tranpose and hit one of the 16 buttons to change to that MIDI channel... without having to navigate through menu.   On devices without 16 buttons, maybe just a function where holding a button and turning a nearby dial scrolls through the MIDI channels on the OLED, for quick changes.

These two additions would probably be pretty easy to implement, and really open up MIDI keyboard controller capabilities... especially when used in multi-timbral fashion with an MPC, Elektron, or other device which has multitimbral MIDI channel input.   You could set the CC7 send to OFF, so the volume knob can be used to turn the keyboard into a MIDI controller, without having to switch other settings or navigate to a silent patch.   And then a quick shortcut for switching channels would allow changing which instruments you are controlling. 

As an alternative, if there was a way to quickly toggle to a "Dedicated Controller Mode" from a key combo on the control surface that would be really cool...   Especially if it keeps the MIDI IN set to the same channel, but allows the MIDI OUT of the performance controls to route to different channel.... so the instrument can keep playing any sequenced notes and cc data from external devices, but allowing the keybed, pressure, modwheel, and pitch to be disconnected and sent to a different MIDI OUT channel.   

The optimal setup would keep all the patch controls still active for whatever is playing (so you could still do filter sweeps or other sound editing on any sequence that is being transmitted to the instrument's MIDI input.... but just the keybed and core performance controls would be disconnected and sent to a designated MIDI output on the same or different channel.    That would be optimal, in my opinion, for making Seq synths into great MIDI controllers as well... for dawless MIDI multitracking.     

OB-X8, Pro 3, P6, Rev2, Take 5, 3rd Wave, Deepmind, PolyBrute, Sub 37
Sound Sets:
Free Patches:

Re: Take 5 Firmware Update - Feature Requests
« Reply #98 on: July 08, 2022, 10:57:07 PM »
Nordlead do it right, the amount knob on amp envelope(or gain as called) is connected to CC7. That decides volume if you want that. And that serves to balance volume between patches too.

Take 5 has amount on each of envelopes, and could have amp amount do CC7 to start with. And ability to turn off in settings if panel controls are to be sent or not.

Re: Take 5 Firmware Update - Feature Requests
« Reply #99 on: July 09, 2022, 03:56:09 PM »
1) (for now)

Seeing that we do have control over individual voices in some places already, there's a feature I really like in the old Alesis Micron synth that could add fun usefulness to the Take 5's Hold and pitch bend in a per-program setting:

Pitch Bend: a) bend ALL notes b) bend only held notes

The wording may need to change to avoid confusion with the Hold button. The idea, though, would be that the a) option is normal and current mode of operation. But the b) option... play a chord, and press the Hold button. Release all notes but one. Then, the pitch bend would bend only that note still being held down on the keyboard, while the ones latched by the Hold button would be unaffected.

2) (for now)

I'm probably one of a mountain of folks who would like some revamping of the first iteration of sequencer editing & functionality. The more steps available, the more crucially useful it would be to be able to sweep thru the recorded steps to make edits. Moreover, being able to record, even if a limited number of, knob turns over the course of a sequence would put this beast on par with relatively entry-level, humble synthesizers like the Korg Minilogue, which it in all other respects outclasses by echelons.

I know all of that would basically involve adding a whole module of software code when there may not be room for any more, but if there's any hands-on interface that would benefit most from an overhaul, IMHO it's there. The sequencer is kind of just a demo tool right now, when it could be *phenomenal*.