Post Your Firmware Update / Feature Requests here.
Only firmware related feature requests.
1. Allow for more User Patches. 128 is very low for today's day and age. Hoping this is not really a memory limitation, as the hardware cost would be pennies for a few hundred kb more patch space. If at all possible, please make a way to switch to alternate banks of patches (even if it requires a menu dive to get to U2,U3,U4) and give us 512 or so user slots.
2. Add Per-Key Voice Allocation option in Globals (or even better, per patch), along with the default Round Robin. Since the core sound architecture is very similar to P5, this would be a great addition to dial in more classic/vintage Prophet 5 character. It seems the fw algorithms have already been designed for r4.. If they can be ported over to Take 5, it would be awesome. It really makes sense for a five voice synth like this, and its especially pertinent / pronounced once you start introducing vintage knob voice offsets. This would be really great for expanding upon the character options for this synth.