Just wanted to update that I figured out how to do this, so I will document how I do it in Cubase. I use the External Instruments in Cubase (which removes the need for separate MIDI and audio tracks) but this should apply to the MIDI track approach if that's what you use.
Here are the steps I use to get a sequence I created out of the Toraiz and into the DAW:
In Cubase:
- On the track, set both the MIDI In and Out device to Toraiz AS-1
- Turn on Monitoring (yellow track button)
In Toraiz Globals:
- Local Mode = ON
- MIDI Out/Thru = OUT
- MIDI Control Enable = OFF (this is the big one, if this is set to ON the pitch will go nuts due to the loop)
- MIDI Slave No SS
To Insert:
- Empty the Retrospective Record buffer (I think this requires Cubase 10 or later, not sure of version)
- Position the locator in Cubase where you want to insert
- Hit Play on the Toraiz, stop when you've got enough (can always cut away any extra notes in Cubase)
- On the Cubase track Insert as Linear Recording
There may be another way I'm missing, but I find Retrospective Recording extremely useful for things like this. I think most of the popular DAWs have a similar feature.
For my needs, having the sequence in the DAW is the ideal situation because of the flexibility, assignment to other instruments, etc.