Cool mockup!
The assignable CV is a good idea. Except that gate and pitch In/Out should always be available, and the assignable Ins and Outs should be independent, since Outs would be for entire sections (e.g., LFO, envelopes), and Ins would target specific parameters (e.g., HP cutoff frequency, LFO frequency).
For reference, the Little Phatty has CV Ins for pitch, gate, volume, and cutoff, and CV Outs for pitch, gate, amp envelope, filter envelope, and modulation buss (which can be assigned to LFO, oscillator 2, or filter envelope). The Outs are complete, but assignment of an In to an arbitrary parameter would be of immense value.
I'm not convinced that a monosynth needs an effects section like the Prophet 6 has. I'd prefer to see that panel space devoted to a second LFO, or sixteen knobs for a modulation sequencer.