Also is there a different between the filter in the Prophet 5 Rev 4 and the ones used in the Prophet 6 and Prophet X? It was my understanding they are all the same P-5 based filter.
The PX uses a chip called the SSI2144 that's an improved version of the SSM2044, which is a different topology than the SSM2040 used in the P5 Rev1/2. The P6 is discrete and doesn't lose low-end when resonance is brought in and is according to Dave "based" around the 2040. The Rev 4 (1/2 filter option) uses a chip called the SSI2140 which is an improved version of the original 2040. It loses low-end when resonance is brought in, but there might be a res comp on/off feature like the Pro 3 has for its Ladder. Perhaps it's permanently set to compensate to somewhat differentiate it from its classically committed Rev 4 showing.
I noticed something in the pics that makes me wonder if this is indeed fake news.
No fine tune of osc pitch?
I suppose the pitch knobs could be doing cents, but the knob travel does not look ideal for navigating 100 cents between each semitone. I could be wrong, but it struck me as an odd omission.
You know you could just look up the Pro 3 and see it uses the exact same function of octave and pitch setup... Same amount of throw to each side as countless other pitch knobs such as the Prologue's. It also doesn't look "computer generated" as another user suggested.
It's doubtful that this is fake, albeit it's not official till it's official. Personally I don't like the name, look or form factor, although I think it should do gangbusters from a business standpoint. My problem with the whole Focusrite acquisition is that,
at least from this product, it seems to be taking the insipid cross-pollinated design approach that smacks of board committee design that a lot of bigger synth companies follow to unify their products and to cut down on design development effort. That said, it's a completely understandable approach when it comes to their more budget conscientious offerings, so long as it doesn't start to contaminate their more flagship designs.