how to get Piston Honda wavetables on board

how to get Piston Honda wavetables on board
« on: May 29, 2021, 02:41:10 PM »
Hello people of this forum,

Next week i’m going to get a pro 3. As i’ve been an explorer in the eurorack domain before (giving that up) I had this amazing module called “Piston Honda MK3” and is one of the amazingly great wavetable modules available. Is there any possible way to get those factory waves onto the Pro 3?

You can find them here on the firmware tab:

Furthermore there is an wave editor available I used to make new waves.

Would this be useful somehow to use with the Pro 3?

Last question: Is it possible to see the waveforms onto the display or will this be possible in the future maybe as it always was spectacular to look at. Well have to trust my ears instead :o ;D



Re: how to get Piston Honda wavetables on board
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2021, 03:53:03 PM »
Best use the version of WaveEdit made for the Pro3

Just import the wave tables (you may have to zoom in to get single cycles to line up in the slots)
Then export them using the save waves to option
Then go to and convert them to sysex

Once you get into the swing of it it's quite simple and quick, plus the bonus of using WaveEdit is you can see the waves rearrange them and use all the built in tools and effects to create unique tables.


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Re: how to get Piston Honda wavetables on board
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2021, 08:54:10 AM »
The fastest way to do something like this is with Serum and WAV2Pro3:

The usual objection is that Serum is expensive. But it's about as expensive as other plug-ins, and it's far and away the best way to make Pro 3 wavetables.

I've posted a wavetable with the first 16 waveforms of Piston Honda's first factory set:

You can also upload these wavesets directly to WAV2Pro3, without using Serum, if you select 256 as the Frame Size. There are two downsides to this:

(1) WAV2Pro3 will downsize the PH's 64-waveform table to 16 waveforms by discarding 75% of the waveforms at regular intervals (that is, you'll get 1, 5, 9, etc.)

(2) Two of the factory WAV files (#1 and #3) are malformed (the data header lies about the file size). So WAV2Pro3 can't transcribe them properly without modification in, say, Audacity. Simply opening them and re-saving should do the trick.

Anyway... The wavetable oscillator is one of the most fun things about the Pro 3, and Serum is an excellent companion for getting the most out of it.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2021, 09:02:01 AM by chysn »
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