Rev 2 firmware is it just me?


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Re: Rev 2 firmware is it just me?
« Reply #180 on: July 24, 2021, 11:40:44 AM »
As others have noticed: I think this file only contains 55% of the whole file. It all loads, but it only contains 55%. Hopefully, we'll get the complete version soon enough.

Re: Rev 2 firmware is it just me?
« Reply #181 on: July 24, 2021, 12:17:04 PM »
The file has been removed temporarily, apologies for the confusion! We'll get another version up ASAP.

Re: Rev 2 firmware is it just me?
« Reply #182 on: July 24, 2021, 03:21:34 PM »
Thanks for this update Sequentialnauts! Even if it's only .5 of the file.  :)  And then going the extra miles on a Saturday even...You guys Rock the Casbah! Time for some beers!!!

Re: Rev 2 firmware is it just me?
« Reply #183 on: July 26, 2021, 01:20:38 PM »
New Rev2 OS is up! Apologies for the snafu on the previous version, this one is working properly. Grab it here:,1531.0.html

Re: Rev 2 firmware is it just me?
« Reply #184 on: July 26, 2021, 02:53:10 PM »
Thank you for the firmware update! I will look forward to testing it out.

As the owner of a Prophet Rev2, and some other more recent Sequential products, these bug fixes are reassuring to say the least.

Bearing in mind the frustrations with firmware issues I have observed while reading this forum. I think something that would greatly improve customer relations with regard to all Sequential products would be:

1. The provision of a GitHub style issue tracker for reporting and processing of bugs and feature requests
2. A consistent and well understood firmware release strategy, e.g. how the firmware is versioned numerically, where beta versions can be downloaded, when stable versions are updated, until when will features be added to a firmware, until when will bug fixes be applied to a firmware, etc.
3. The dedication of more Human Resources to firmware development and community management

I say this because there seems to be constant pressure across all products with regard to firmware updates, and with that, a struggle to meet the expectations set by customers. If Sequential were to process bugs and features requests more effectively and openly, while at the same time better manage expectations, I am quite confident the level of frustrations would be far less, and the customer satisfaction overall much higher.

Just a few words of advice. Now I go back to making music. Thanks again for the update!


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Re: Rev 2 firmware is it just me?
« Reply #185 on: July 27, 2021, 10:17:59 AM »
I don't use the sequencers nearly as often as others, and I certainly can't speak for anyone else.

Speaking only for myself, let me be among the first to say: Congratulations and Many, Many Thanks!! Robot Heart, Pym, cbmd, CreativeSpiral, Sacred Synthesis, and all the others who have worked so hard to try to make this firmware successful!

This update has cured my Rev2's of the Gated Sequencer issue/s that were increasingly afflicting the patches that I was making using CreativeSpiral's brilliant templates which rely on the Gated Sequencer. Of course, this doesn't mean someone else is not going to discover something else... and it doesn't mean that I won't notice something later myself. But so far today I am very happy and appreciative of all of you!

- Jason

Sacred Synthesis

Re: Rev 2 firmware is it just me?
« Reply #186 on: July 27, 2021, 11:34:32 AM »
Praise the good Lord for this update!  Thanks, Jason, and thanks to all the staffers at Sequential for their hard work in getting us to this point.  So far, so good. 

I'm watching this thread carefully to see if there are any outstanding problems with the update, in the hopes that it will soon reach official status. 
« Last Edit: July 27, 2021, 12:53:37 PM by Sacred Synthesis »

Re: Rev 2 firmware is it just me?
« Reply #187 on: July 27, 2021, 12:52:32 PM »
Thx@sequential and gus for the great support.
New Firmware works great
« Last Edit: July 27, 2021, 12:54:25 PM by seq_user12123 »
Yamaha MO8, Seq Pro3, Seq Rev2/16, Model: Cycles, Moog DFAM, Modular, Akai MPC One, Pearl Mimic Pro, Midas M32R

Re: Rev 2 firmware is it just me?
« Reply #188 on: July 27, 2021, 01:00:48 PM »
Yeah, this is a fantastic update!!!... I played around with it a bit last night.   (note:  you may want to perform calibration afterwards, and check oscillators/pwm... I had to do so, as I noticed that my pulse width mod was off on all voices... was going through zero at around 86 value, rather than ~97 value where it usually is / should be...  after calibration all is good!)   

Layered Vintage Voice Modeling is amazing!   I urge anyone who has downloaded the VCM soundset to get this OS update and check out the layered VCM patches in it... they all have even more unique per voice character now --  And layered binaural acoustic ensembles (strings, brass, wind instruments) sound even more gigantic...  previously, the layered VCM patches were getting per-voice offsets, giving the vintage/organic vibe, but it was just skipping several steps that were programmed in... now every step is properly accounted for, giving more resolution to the patch designs. 

And the Layered Arp + Key Stepping I have wanted to play with is working now, and it's amazing!!   I made a couple patches last night.  You can create ridiculously cool melodic/rhythmic sequences by combining layered arps with key stepped sequences modulating pitch at strategic steps/intervals as well as other destinations....  I'm gonna create a video on this soon, outlining the process with ideas to get the most out of it.

There is one minor issue with the fix... Layer B key stepping is offset by one step to Layer A key stepping.  ie:  when Layer A is playing Step 2, Layer B will be on Step 1...  like this for all steps.   You can workaround this by purposely offsetting everything in Layer B by one step, but not ideal for workflow... makes it tedious to line things up between the two key stepped sequences.   (Note: The key stepping resets when a patch loads or stack is toggled, which is good... a potential fix might be at that point... just make sure both layer A and B get reset to the same step 1 when that reset/sync occurs.)   (also, did not check to see whether the other Reset bug/request was addressed.. but didn't see it mentioned in notes...  ie: Reset/sync the seq on Clock Start Event when in "No Reset" or "No Hold/Rst" modes)

Thanks so much to @Pym and Sequential team!   This is a really great update that will allow significant new sound design options and character to an already great synth.  I'm sending a bottle of tequila to the offices for celebration ;)   

OB-X8, Pro 3, P6, Rev2, Take 5, 3rd Wave, Deepmind, PolyBrute, Sub 37
Sound Sets:
Free Patches:

Sacred Synthesis

Re: Rev 2 firmware is it just me?
« Reply #189 on: July 27, 2021, 01:21:43 PM »
Just wanted to highlight your greatly appreciated find, CreativeSpiral:

There is one minor issue with the fix... Layer B key stepping is offset by one step to Layer A key stepping.  ie:  when Layer A is playing Step 2, Layer B will be on Step 1...  like this for all steps.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2021, 11:20:30 AM by Sacred Synthesis »


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Re: Rev 2 firmware is it just me?
« Reply #190 on: July 27, 2021, 11:41:10 PM »
Praise the good Lord for this update!  Thanks, Jason, and thanks to all the staffers at Sequential for their hard work in getting us to this point.  So far, so good. 

I'm watching this thread carefully to see if there are any outstanding problems with the update, in the hopes that it will soon reach official status.

And thanks to you too for helping to bring a little calm sanity about the whole thing :) Most of us where feeling somewhat left out of the update cycles and this has soothed things for us in my opinion.
DSI Prophet Rev2, DSI Pro 2, Moog Sub37, Korg Minilogue, Yamaha MOXF6, Yamaha MODX6, Yamaha Montage6


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Re: Rev 2 firmware is it just me?
« Reply #191 on: July 28, 2021, 09:21:03 AM »
This update is a dream come true, in my case! A dream from some years ago, when the Rev2 was first announced... I'm sure the dreams of many others are being fulfilled as well.

I'm more than content with this update. Thanks all involved at Sequential and on the forum who have contributed to this.

I haven't had too much time to mess around with the Arp and Gated Sequencers in Keystep mode, just a bit... but it's awesome! It essentially could save a gated sequencer... though it kind of forces the note-ons for notes even on the "rest" steps of the seqencer. Which brings somewhat of a "quirk" to the table... or maybe not, I haven't REALLY figured out what goes on.

But... it SEEMS that when a step is set to "rest", the Arp still triggers a voice on that step, but as there is no note value information available for that particular step (as it's set to "rest", ie "skip step", so no new note info) the Arp triggers the next voice in line, with whatever note that voice last played... like S&H for each voice that gets triggered by the Arp on a "rest" note of the Gated Sequencer #1, it holds the previous note when triggered on a "rest" step.

I'm NOT complaining about this, I can live with it personally, just as with creativespirals reported bug of the layers gated sequencers not "syncing", which I also could consider a "quirk", possible to work with/around. And also, the quirk I mentioned, could produce some interesting results if used creatively... And if one doesn't like it, then don't set "rest" steps for Sequencer #1 when using together with the Arp, you could just use a sequencer routed to VCA level instead for muting wanted steps (through mod matrix with a negative amount).

If this one is/was THE last update, I'm happy. If the bug reported by creativespiral is an easy fix, that's a priority imo. If the "quirk" I encountered is an easy fix as well, then sure why not? , but considering the lack of space for the OS etc etc, maybe not worth the risk/reward of possibly introducing other problems (I just speculate that it could be more complex than the other, more straightforward bug), now that it seems SO close to a proper final OS.

Thanks again to Sequential, Pym in particular, and everyone contributing on the Forum, to make this happen! You all know who you are!  :)
The Way the Truth and the Life

Sacred Synthesis

Re: Rev 2 firmware is it just me?
« Reply #192 on: July 28, 2021, 11:01:40 AM »
Thanks for pointing this out, Maxter.  Again, just to highlight this issue for Sequential:

But... it SEEMS that when a step is set to "rest", the Arp still triggers a voice on that step, but as there is no note value information available for that particular step (as it's set to "rest", ie "skip step", so no new note info) the Arp triggers the next voice in line, with whatever note that voice last played... like S&H for each voice that gets triggered by the Arp on a "rest" note of the Gated Sequencer #1, it holds the previous note when triggered on a "rest" step.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2021, 11:21:19 AM by Sacred Synthesis »


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Re: Rev 2 firmware is it just me?
« Reply #193 on: July 28, 2021, 11:22:41 AM »
Been trying to work out what's going on more specifically...

It's quite confusing... I turned off the Arp, to troubleshoot. In Keystep mode, just using Layer A, some of the step values have no effect, strangely. WHICH steps vary from time to time... If running through the sequencer in "normal" mode, with all steps set, it seems to "sample" the steps, so when switching to "keystep" mode it plays nicely in sequence...

But changing the step values when in "keystep" mode is quite unpredictable...

When engaging the Arp, the results are even more peculiar... I set up a pattern of 48 (C) on all the steps, then changed only one step at a time to 38 (G), with all others remaining at 48. I reset whatever step I tested at 38 each time, to 48 before testing the next step. So I always had a pattern of 15 steps with a value of 48 each, and 1 step at 38, at any time. The results varied... what step works... and in what way... sometimes I got the predicted 1 out of 16 steps at 38, sometimes a pattern of 2 out of 8, or 3 out of 8 steps, or 2 out of 16 steps,  and some 0 out of 16 (ie the step value had no effect), at a value of 38 (G). The rest 48(C).

But as long as the gated sequencers work correctly on both layers in Keystep mode (with the Arp turned off), even if it takes "running through" the sequencers for each voice in "normal" mode, to "set them up" for the keystep mode, I'm happy... as long as it works. I haven't got that far yet, but hopefully will soon. But as creativespiral has already reported that it works, I expect that it indeed will.

And hopefully someone can figure out what's going on, and if it's worth fixing, as I really can't get my head around it at this time...
The Way the Truth and the Life

Re: Rev 2 firmware is it just me?
« Reply #194 on: July 28, 2021, 08:59:46 PM »
Another issue that needs to be resolved is that pitch bend and aftertouch should work on both layers of a 16-voice split Rev2 when using MIDI. (As confirmed by Mark Kono of Sequential support in case #65088: "At present you cannot address each layer via MIDI for separate wheel movement on both the Rev2 module and keyboard.")

Re: Rev 2 firmware is it just me?
« Reply #195 on: July 30, 2021, 06:43:52 PM »
Just chiming in to say thanks for the update to everyone involved. Installed it last night and haven't gotten deep, but the gated sequencer fix is great. Much appreciated.

Re: Rev 2 firmware is it just me?
« Reply #196 on: August 08, 2021, 11:31:17 PM »
A big thanks from me to! The big issue for me is that the arp was unreliable before this update. Now its working perfectly for the first time. :)

Re: Rev 2 firmware is it just me?
« Reply #197 on: August 10, 2021, 05:30:45 AM »
I dont know if its my ears, the update or a recalibration but to me my rev 2 sounds a lot nicer since uploading the BETA. Everything sounds a touch nicer, punchier and smoother. Wondering if ironed out a few bugs that affected the sound slightly ?


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Re: Rev 2 firmware is it just me?
« Reply #198 on: August 10, 2021, 05:39:13 PM »
Peculiar is a good word for all this.

It turns out the problem with the sequences not playing correctly was due to a compiler bug which is quite rare, the code was exactly the same as the Prophet '08. So trying to figure out why some of this stuff is happening means I have to completely throw my assumptions out the window and assume anything can be broken... that slows things down. Unfortunate but it happens sometimes.

I'm looking into the sync bug where it's one step off, I've almost fixed it but something is not behaving correctly and isn't obvious so still not entirely sure if I'll be able to track it down in a reasonable time frame. It may or may not be related to the arp problem.

I haven't given up on it yet, but I don't want to get your hopes up, just letting you know I'm still putting some effort in that direction

Been trying to work out what's going on more specifically...

It's quite confusing... I turned off the Arp, to troubleshoot. In Keystep mode, just using Layer A, some of the step values have no effect, strangely. WHICH steps vary from time to time... If running through the sequencer in "normal" mode, with all steps set, it seems to "sample" the steps, so when switching to "keystep" mode it plays nicely in sequence...

But changing the step values when in "keystep" mode is quite unpredictable...

When engaging the Arp, the results are even more peculiar... I set up a pattern of 48 (C) on all the steps, then changed only one step at a time to 38 (G), with all others remaining at 48. I reset whatever step I tested at 38 each time, to 48 before testing the next step. So I always had a pattern of 15 steps with a value of 48 each, and 1 step at 38, at any time. The results varied... what step works... and in what way... sometimes I got the predicted 1 out of 16 steps at 38, sometimes a pattern of 2 out of 8, or 3 out of 8 steps, or 2 out of 16 steps,  and some 0 out of 16 (ie the step value had no effect), at a value of 38 (G). The rest 48(C).

But as long as the gated sequencers work correctly on both layers in Keystep mode (with the Arp turned off), even if it takes "running through" the sequencers for each voice in "normal" mode, to "set them up" for the keystep mode, I'm happy... as long as it works. I haven't got that far yet, but hopefully will soon. But as creativespiral has already reported that it works, I expect that it indeed will.

And hopefully someone can figure out what's going on, and if it's worth fixing, as I really can't get my head around it at this time...

Re: Rev 2 firmware is it just me?
« Reply #199 on: August 10, 2021, 06:26:03 PM »
Have you looked at what it would take to enable pitch bend and aftertouch on both layers of a 16-voice Rev2?

Peculiar is a good word for all this.

It turns out the problem with the sequences not playing correctly was due to a compiler bug which is quite rare, the code was exactly the same as the Prophet '08. So trying to figure out why some of this stuff is happening means I have to completely throw my assumptions out the window and assume anything can be broken... that slows things down. Unfortunate but it happens sometimes.

I'm looking into the sync bug where it's one step off, I've almost fixed it but something is not behaving correctly and isn't obvious so still not entirely sure if I'll be able to track it down in a reasonable time frame. It may or may not be related to the arp problem.

I haven't given up on it yet, but I don't want to get your hopes up, just letting you know I'm still putting some effort in that direction

Been trying to work out what's going on more specifically...

It's quite confusing... I turned off the Arp, to troubleshoot. In Keystep mode, just using Layer A, some of the step values have no effect, strangely. WHICH steps vary from time to time... If running through the sequencer in "normal" mode, with all steps set, it seems to "sample" the steps, so when switching to "keystep" mode it plays nicely in sequence...

But changing the step values when in "keystep" mode is quite unpredictable...

When engaging the Arp, the results are even more peculiar... I set up a pattern of 48 (C) on all the steps, then changed only one step at a time to 38 (G), with all others remaining at 48. I reset whatever step I tested at 38 each time, to 48 before testing the next step. So I always had a pattern of 15 steps with a value of 48 each, and 1 step at 38, at any time. The results varied... what step works... and in what way... sometimes I got the predicted 1 out of 16 steps at 38, sometimes a pattern of 2 out of 8, or 3 out of 8 steps, or 2 out of 16 steps,  and some 0 out of 16 (ie the step value had no effect), at a value of 38 (G). The rest 48(C).

But as long as the gated sequencers work correctly on both layers in Keystep mode (with the Arp turned off), even if it takes "running through" the sequencers for each voice in "normal" mode, to "set them up" for the keystep mode, I'm happy... as long as it works. I haven't got that far yet, but hopefully will soon. But as creativespiral has already reported that it works, I expect that it indeed will.

And hopefully someone can figure out what's going on, and if it's worth fixing, as I really can't get my head around it at this time...