I appreciate, admire and commend the collective effort by forum members to make sure all the important bugs have been listed.
At the same time, there is evidently something quite surrealistic to it, especially at such a late stage in the history of the product.
If it is not evident to Sequential itself, it must certainly be to prospective customers who are considering buying ANY product from Sequential - not to speak of a Prophet Rev2 - and read this thread or learn about its main thrust on social media.
I agree, I'm really thankful for the efforts made by other forum members here. creativespiral is pretty much working without pay for SCI... Not to mention his thorough work with VCM, analyzing what makes synths sound "vintage", which SCI then casually implemented on other synths, replacing slop, and calling it "vintage" mode...
"At the same time, there is evidently something quite surrealistic to it, especially at such a late stage in the history of the product." I feel that too... not getting my hopes up this time, I still fear it'll end in a crazy-Greta quote "You have stolen my dreams... with your empty words."
I hope not, but considering how many times the update has been "coming soon" previously (which turned out to be empty words indeed), my impression is that it could be just empty words to ease the minds of forum members, and consequently lessen the critique of the Rev2 (for now), damage controlling the bad rep... until they've sold out the Rev2's left in stock, then comes a lame excuse like "we tried, but it was just impossible to fix..."
I'm quite concerned that this may be the case, that they've already decided on it, and simply feed us "empty words"... Which would be even more waste of Rev2-owners time, putting in time to document the bugs and so, and in creativespirals case, even doing much of the work for them... At this stage, I wouldn't be surprised at all, if it's just "for show", to "keep face". I'm generally not pessimistic by nature, but when it comes to this, I'm sorry to say I have little, if any, hope in SCI. I predict the update will never come. Please prove me wrong, SCI!
"If it is not evident to Sequential itself, it must certainly be to prospective customers who are considering buying ANY product from Sequential - not to speak of a Prophet Rev2 - and read this thread or learn about its main thrust on social media."
Yep, that's what I'm afraid they're just trying to tone down, until they've sold the remaining Rev2s... and that THIS is the purpose of getting vocal on the forum, hinting an update may come (again), to calm us down 'til then. "Please list the bugs" to bring us hope... (as if the bugs weren't already on the bug thread, that they apparently don't read...?)
I sincerely hope not, but most of my impressions about this whole thing throughout the years have turned out to be right, unfortunately... I appreciate Pym chiming in here, but my impression was that he said a WHOLE LOT, excuses and all, without saying anything concrete AT ALL... I got an odd, eerie vibe from that.
Again, not trying to be pessimistic, I REALLY want to believe that they're even trying, but it's the total opposite of what my gut is telling me.
Again, SCI, PLEASE prove me wrong!