Prophet10 desktop, replace prophet6 & subsequent 37 keyboards

 Due to needling to free up some space, I’m considering a prophet 10 desktop to replace a prophet6 and subsequent 37 keyboards.
 I hear from videos that the prophet 10 and prophet 6 sound somewhat similar.
 I don’t need the prophet 10 to sound like the 37. I just need the prophet 10 to produce good low and sub frequency sounds.
 How does the prophet 10 compare to the 37 for sounds in the low range?

Re: Prophet10 desktop, replace prophet6 & subsequent 37 keyboards
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2021, 11:59:13 AM »
I have both. P10 and a sub37. Both are totally different. The sub37 has much more modulation possibilities. Plus the sequencer. The P10 ist polyphonic. Plus their sound character is not comparable.

Re: Prophet10 desktop, replace prophet6 & subsequent 37 keyboards
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2021, 12:24:21 PM »
I have both. P10 and a sub37. Both are totally different. The sub37 has much more modulation possibilities. Plus the sequencer. The P10 ist polyphonic. Plus their sound character is not comparable.

 I understand the character is different which doesn't bother me. No sequencer is not a big deal for me as I mostly send midi from Ableton. Im looking for a desktop synth that will give me a good vco sound and is quick to dial up sounds.
Im mostly curious if the prophet 10 can replace the 37 when it comes to low frequency bass type sounds. It doesn't need to sound like a Moog, it just needs to do bass and low frequency sounds well.


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Re: Prophet10 desktop, replace prophet6 & subsequent 37 keyboards
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2021, 02:53:06 PM »
I have both. P10 and a sub37. Both are totally different. The sub37 has much more modulation possibilities. Plus the sequencer. The P10 ist polyphonic. Plus their sound character is not comparable.

 I understand the character is different which doesn't bother me. No sequencer is not a big deal for me as I mostly send midi from Ableton. Im looking for a desktop synth that will give me a good vco sound and is quick to dial up sounds.
Im mostly curious if the prophet 10 can replace the 37 when it comes to low frequency bass type sounds. It doesn't need to sound like a Moog, it just needs to do bass and low frequency sounds well.

It has a strong low end.. the Prophet 5 was used often for bass in early electronic music.  The Rev3 filter setting is probably better for most types basses, but the Rev 1/2 opens some interesting possibilities.  It's definitely a different kind of bass sound than a Moog though.

A Prophet 6 does a good bass, too.  Its a different sounding synth than the P5/10, but the bass sounds they produce certainly reveal the same pedigree.  I'm just saying that because if you're not happy with the bass that comes from the P6 maybe you wouldn't be happy with the P10.

My Slim Phatty is better at certain types of wall-shaking bass than my Prophets.  I've never owned a Sub37 so it's hard to make comparisons.. other than to say I much prefer dialing in sounds on the P10.  The Slim Phatty is a gem but doesn't have the same user interface as the Sub37.
Prophet 10, OB-X8m, Prophet 6, OB-6, 3rd Wave, Prophet 12m, Prophet Rev2-16, Toraiz AS-1, Pro 2, Korg Polysix, Roland JP-8080, Roland System-8, Virus TI2, Moog SlimPhatty, Hydrasynth desktop, Roland SPD-SX SE / Octapad, Maschine, Cubase/Ableton/Akai MPC

Re: Prophet10 desktop, replace prophet6 & subsequent 37 keyboards
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2021, 09:57:08 PM »
Thanks for the info.
 I found it useful!
 I’ve decided to go ahead and get the p10 desktop so I shall see how it works out for me.

Re: Prophet10 desktop, replace prophet6 & subsequent 37 keyboards
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2021, 07:43:20 AM »
Thanks for the info.
 I found it useful!
 I’ve decided to go ahead and get the p10 desktop so I shall see how it works out for me.

And? how did it work out for you?