*Osc B Tri wave on... any wave should work
*In Poly Mod Section, both knobs fully clockwise to 10
*Freq A on
you should hear it immediately?
Thanks, yes I've just done that and I do hear it.
I guess what I was confused about is that on the Pro~One, you need only turn the OSC B knob in the Modulation section to hear some pretty wild FM (this with a triangle wave modulating OSC A FREQ)- on the Prophet 5 you basically don't hear anything at this point - and you have to (as you have pointed out) turn the FILT ENV Poly Mod knob up full too to hear it - so you only get the FM effect by combining the FILT ENV and OSC B Poly Mod sources, not just OSC B on its own, or as I found out earlier, have the OSC A Freq an octave or more higher than OSC B.
I'm guessing this is just the way the new Prophet 5s have been made/calibrated and it's not an issue. Although if someone could confirm for me that:
*Osc B Tri wave on
*In Poly Mod Section, OSC B fully clockwise to 10
*Freq A on & both OSC A & B tuned to same octave/frequency
- that no discernible FM can be heard?
Then I can be sure