Hey all. In my manual I read that "As shipped from the factory, presets 000-499 are identical to 500-999." However, I noticed that this is not the case! I have never edited the presets, or added new ones, yet my user bank presets are entirely different than the permanent factory banks.
I do believe my synth was shipped directly from Sequential so I don't understand why my synth would have different presets on it 000 to 499 than 500-999. It was brand new.
Did yours have 1000 entirely different presets? I am a bit confused... since the manual says they should be exactly the same presets in the user and permanent factory banks.
But now I am wondering... is my synth brand new? Could someone have put on a bunch of presets and then sent it back to Sequential, and now I am in possession of it? Curious as to what your thoughts are.
For example, if I load patch 007 it sounds entirely different than 507.