The P5/10 rev 4 doesn’t have 5/10 LFOs required for that, just one global LFO. The P12 has 4 LFO per voice and the P3 one per voice. But again, one can record voice by voice to archive that and much more if desired.
You don’t require any LFO for this, it is the player’s fingers which become the modulation source(s) via polyAT. In a manner of speaking, the player becomes the LFO. This way, you can save the actual LFO for other sound design purposes.
On a Linnstrument, switch from channel pressure to poly pressure. On the Prophet, set the filter as aftertouch destination. Prophet now accurately interprets the incoming polyAT messages. With one of your fingers, you can e.g. play a steady voice, while the other finger pulsates in whichever frequency you feel like. With a Linnstrument, given its light touch and the short travel of its surface, this takes some practice.
Having only filter as a polyAT destination seems a bit limited, but it is a great start. MPE, if it were implemented (no idea whether it would be even possible on Prophet), would add pitch and timbre as mod sources for each voice.