Was about to post this on another forum thread - but this is probably a good place for it. I use an SL MKIII with an OB-6 desktop unit. The NRPN fix works (thank you again, Sequential!). You have to change to 14 bits for controls where you are using and need the NRPN resolution. The Novation provided OB6 template for the SL MKIII is junk though. They removed all controls that need NRPNs and now map only CCs. Because of that, there are some controls that you dont get with their template. Others, where the limitation of 128 values is not too difficult to hear / feel are provided.. But it's quickly realized, that you will want to use NRPNs for them. So.. Yes. The Novation SL MKIII is a great controller for the OB6 and supports NRPNs. No.. don't use the Novation supplied OB-6 template. It cant / doesnt reference the new Vintage stuff (though it's an easy map to do with NRPNs which is supports). Like I mentioned, there are other important controls that you want the resolution of NRPNs for and the SL MKIII supports them... but the Novation template dropped them. Configuring your own, works easy enough..
hth -