Hi everyone! My Pro 3 is giving me some wonky issues when I turn it on after having been off for an extended period. Say, maybe over 18-20 hrs. But if it's less than say 8 hrs, it doesn't seem to occur. It's a bit difficult to explain but here is what's going on. Lets start with the night before when I've turned the Pro 3 off for the night. That happens at around 10pm. I go to bed, wake up, go to work, get home and excitedly go to turn the Pro 3 on! This would now be around 6:30 or 7pm the following day. It boots up and I press a key. It makes a tone but it isn't exactly the correct sound based on the "patch" that is currently selected. It's almost like it's only "Part" of the sound? Like maybe it's missing passing thru some of the parameters. In addition there is a pulsing/clicking like noise occurring too. if I switch to the basic patch...it makes no sound what-so-ever, key press = silence. Sequences do not make sound either when pressing play on any patch, some patches make tones with that same pulse sound, others make no sound. But, If I power cycle the Pro 3 it will boot again and work perfectly fine, all sounds and sequences are all acting as they should. This phenomenon does not seem to occur if it has been off for only a few hours but I'm not sure where that line of time is that changes the occurrence. Is it after 8 hrs or 15 hrs etc... And it corrects itself even if I turn it on, wait around 30 sec, and power cycle again.
Any thoughts on what the issue could be?
My initial thought is temperature. But it isn't a tuning issue. Which if I'm not mistake is what temp usually affects on analog stuff. But, my studio has no central heating. I use a space type heater for my own comfort, but only when I'm in the room. It doesn't actually get too cold in there generally, maybe 60ish at the lowest. So I only use the heater on certain occasions. But maybe it's being at that cool temp for an extended period overnight? For now I've moved it to a different room at my house, and will see if there's any difference tonight. unfortunately I'm afraid to many other variables have changed also to know if it is for sure the temp issue.
Thanks in advance!