first of all,
thank you for your very constructive messages,
I love smart forums where we can talk quietly, i really appreciate, so thank you
I had in the past the rev2 and sold it for the prophet 6 but i found the sound to "much modern", i have the ob6 and i really love it ! it impressed me a lot ! !
I had the one for few days to try it, but dont got enough time to play with, but when i compared to the ob6, i was not impressed about the moog one as the ob6
Sequential will tease a new synth in the next month... "OB-x" i think, so, i'm thinking about two options :
1-get prophet 10 and oberheim OB-X ( and probably sell the ob6 module)
2-or get 3 synth in one with the one, but havn't found any impressive video
(OB6 impressed me a lot)
Every video got a lot of effect... That's hard to define how vintage sound is capable the moog one...
Also, i hesitate because i've found the moog one out of tune in lower note, but as a "vintage" style, and had some "bug" into the OS...
The best would be to get both... But i cant ! ! !