Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 Desktop Modules

Re: Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 Desktop Modules
« Reply #20 on: January 27, 2021, 02:08:08 PM »
Okay. I'll just shut up about it, then. For now.

I just wish that Dave would have done a proper Prophet 5 clone, and not a rev4.

The consensus, including from those that own both, is that the Rev4 is a proper reissue, with added features such as filter switch, after touch and velocity, USB, etc.  If your opinion differs from consensus, then that's fine, but to continually pontificate that it doesn't sound like the original with nothing to substantiate the claim is pretty much beating a dead horse.  At least be ready to bring something to the table that supports your claim, because when everyone else says it is and you say it isn't, the burden of proof is on you.

Just found this:

In the second half, he is comparing both revisions. I think this is pretty convincing that the new ones sound very good.

Love this guy! The auto-translate into English is always as amusing as it is perplexing, and I genuinely can't tell from the text sometimes if he's pleased or annoyed. But his vibe is great.

I've just (re)ordered a rev 4 P5, which will sit beside my gf's rev 3 in a similar spirit of "Huh???" as I compare and contrast.

Re: Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 Desktop Modules
« Reply #21 on: January 28, 2021, 05:22:10 PM »
Rev 4 sounds GLORIOUS... and with those extra, but well considered new-gen features, it sends it over the edge vs vintage Prophet 5s. Come one, the same sound (or basically the same) but with modern  reliability, aftertouch, velocity, usb midi, more storage, TWO FILTERS!!!! and costs less than half what a vintage one goes for AND has 10 voices to boot! (Prophet 10 anyway which is what I've ordered).

Best f-in new analog synth in decades... in fact, best analog poly since.............. well , the Prophet 5 lol. (Jupiter 8 isn't quite as good sounding)
Trigon-6 (Keyboard) | Prophet 10 Rev 4 (gone) | OB-6 (gone)

Re: Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 Desktop Modules
« Reply #22 on: February 03, 2021, 08:14:44 PM »
Can anyone confirm that the Prophet 5/10 Desktop will respond to polyphonic aftertouch over MIDI? That is the main reason I waited instead of getting the keyboard. Thx!

Re: Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 Desktop Modules
« Reply #23 on: February 15, 2021, 06:56:32 PM »
Can anyone from Sequential (or whomever else has hands on experience) comment on the size of the knobs on P5/10 desktop versions? Judging from photos, they look to be smaller than on the keyboard version, but a bit larger than those on the Prophet 6?

Maybe superficial, but I second this question.

Re: Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 Desktop Modules
« Reply #24 on: February 16, 2021, 03:28:30 AM »
Can anyone confirm that the Prophet 5/10 Desktop will respond to polyphonic aftertouch over MIDI? That is the main reason I waited instead of getting the keyboard. Thx!
Since the keyboard P5/10 has PolyAT over MIDI my guess is the desktop will have the same motherboard, so same funktions.

Re: Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 Desktop Modules
« Reply #25 on: February 18, 2021, 11:47:09 PM »

This new rev4 single oscillator sounds dull with a sawtooth waveform. Period.

*you* sound dull, period.

You don't even own or have played one and just watched videos on it. Give me a break. Those of us who've actually got one can hear how great it sounds in reality.

Trigon-6 (Keyboard) | Prophet 10 Rev 4 (gone) | OB-6 (gone)

Re: Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 Desktop Modules
« Reply #26 on: February 25, 2021, 09:52:02 AM »
I feel a bit silly that my first post here will be so pedestrian, but here goes! I pre-ordered a P10 desktop the day they became available. I'm just curious if anyone knows if these have shipped to dealers yet?

Re: Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 Desktop Modules
« Reply #27 on: February 27, 2021, 01:53:16 PM »
I feel a bit silly that my first post here will be so pedestrian, but here goes! I pre-ordered a P10 desktop the day they became available. I'm just curious if anyone knows if these have shipped to dealers yet?

Robotspeak in San Francisco just received their first batch, he has serial #2 and more.

I would not recommend getting from them unless you are desperate for one and have cash on hand.

When you add it to your cart the owner might try to reach out pressure you into paying cash because he loses money on sale something among those lines..

Re: Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 Desktop Modules
« Reply #28 on: February 28, 2021, 02:00:13 PM »
When you say, “pressure you into paying cash”, do you mean they want you to send unmarked $20 bills or something? Or just pay full price with a credit card? The P10 module certainly interests me. I think purchasing an early serial number is not, technically, a good idea, but having a single digit S/N has some geek appeal.

Re: Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 Desktop Modules
« Reply #29 on: February 28, 2021, 02:59:42 PM »
When you say, “pressure you into paying cash,” do you mean they want you to send unmarked $20 bills or something? Or just pay full price with a credit card?

I can only speak from personal experience when I bought the P5/10 from him.

I received a call immediately after adding the synth to my cart (~9-10 PM). It was the shop owner asking me to see if I could pay using VENMO because CC fees were too high, he never really said the exact words, but it was implied that he would not be able to guarantee me one useless used Venmo/cash.

The tone of the conversation really changed when I said that Sequential had referred me to his shop.

The next day he tells me he can finally do credit but emphasizes that he is losing money on the sale.

I provided him my payment information; apparently, two separate CC didn't work, and I would have to come and physically swipe my card at the shop.

Sequential really has a low bar on who carries what. I get it is a local shop, local guy, support local businesses, eat organic, blah blah. But this was the shadiest guilt-tripping buying experience I have ever experienced.

Re: Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 Desktop Modules
« Reply #30 on: February 28, 2021, 03:18:04 PM »

I can only speak from personal experience when I bought the P5/10 from him.

I received a call immediately after adding the synth to my cart (~9-10 PM). It was the shop owner asking me to see if I could pay using VENMO because CC fees were too high, he never really said the exact words, but it was implied that he would not be able to guarantee me one useless used Venmo/cash.

The tone of the conversation really changed when I said that Sequential had referred me to his shop.

The next day he tells me he can finally do credit but emphasizes that he is losing money on the sale.

I provided him my payment information; apparently, two separate CC didn't work, and I would have to come and physically swipe my card at the shop.

Sequential really has a low bar on who carries what. I get it is a local shop, local guy, support local businesses, eat organic, blah blah. But this was the shadiest guilt-tripping buying experience I have ever experienced.

Interesting. Thanks for the update. That does seem a little bit odd. I suppose it makes sense from a purely financial standpoint, but ... still. I think a credit card transaction typically costs the vendor 1.5% of the total. But even if it were 3%, that would be around $100 for the P10 price. I would hope their profit (hehe prophet) margin is more than that. But maybe not.


  • ***
  • 1542
Re: Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 Desktop Modules
« Reply #31 on: February 28, 2021, 05:14:44 PM »

I can only speak from personal experience when I bought the P5/10 from him.

I received a call immediately after adding the synth to my cart (~9-10 PM). It was the shop owner asking me to see if I could pay using VENMO because CC fees were too high, he never really said the exact words, but it was implied that he would not be able to guarantee me one useless used Venmo/cash.

The tone of the conversation really changed when I said that Sequential had referred me to his shop.

The next day he tells me he can finally do credit but emphasizes that he is losing money on the sale.

I provided him my payment information; apparently, two separate CC didn't work, and I would have to come and physically swipe my card at the shop.

Sequential really has a low bar on who carries what. I get it is a local shop, local guy, support local businesses, eat organic, blah blah. But this was the shadiest guilt-tripping buying experience I have ever experienced.

Interesting. Thanks for the update. That does seem a little bit odd. I suppose it makes sense from a purely financial standpoint, but ... still. I think a credit card transaction typically costs the vendor 1.5% of the total. But even if it were 3%, that would be around $100 for the P10 price. I would hope their profit (hehe prophet) margin is more than that. But maybe not.

I would guess profit margins on synths are probably in the 25-40% range.  By losing money on the sale maybe he meant losing money compared to what he would make if it were paid for with Venmo.  But most people's credit cards have other benefits, whether hotel points, cash back, extended warranty, etc. so I consider it unprofessional / inconsiderate for a business to suggest the customer eat the fee instead of them.  If I make a major purchase on an online store that claims to accept credit cards, and I get a call from someone at the business asking me to do business some other way, I'm canceling the order, but that's just me.
Prophet 10, OB-X8m, Prophet 6, OB-6, 3rd Wave, Prophet 12m, Prophet Rev2-16, Toraiz AS-1, Pro 2, Korg Polysix, Roland JP-8080, Roland System-8, Virus TI2, Moog SlimPhatty, Hydrasynth desktop, Roland SPD-SX SE / Octapad, Maschine, Cubase/Ableton/Akai MPC

Re: Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 Desktop Modules
« Reply #32 on: February 28, 2021, 06:43:43 PM »

I can only speak from personal experience when I bought the P5/10 from him.

I received a call immediately after adding the synth to my cart (~9-10 PM). It was the shop owner asking me to see if I could pay using VENMO because CC fees were too high, he never really said the exact words, but it was implied that he would not be able to guarantee me one useless used Venmo/cash.

The tone of the conversation really changed when I said that Sequential had referred me to his shop.

The next day he tells me he can finally do credit but emphasizes that he is losing money on the sale.

I provided him my payment information; apparently, two separate CC didn't work, and I would have to come and physically swipe my card at the shop.

Sequential really has a low bar on who carries what. I get it is a local shop, local guy, support local businesses, eat organic, blah blah. But this was the shadiest guilt-tripping buying experience I have ever experienced.

Interesting. Thanks for the update. That does seem a little bit odd. I suppose it makes sense from a purely financial standpoint, but ... still. I think a credit card transaction typically costs the vendor 1.5% of the total. But even if it were 3%, that would be around $100 for the P10 price. I would hope their profit (hehe prophet) margin is more than that. But maybe not.

I would guess profit margins on synths are probably in the 25-40% range.  By losing money on the sale maybe he meant losing money compared to what he would make if it were paid for with Venmo.  But most people's credit cards have other benefits, whether hotel points, cash back, extended warranty, etc. so I consider it unprofessional / inconsiderate for a business to suggest the customer eat the fee instead of them.  If I make a major purchase on an online store that claims to accept credit cards, and I get a call from someone at the business asking me to do business some other way, I'm canceling the order, but that's just me.

I am in agreement on that. I wouldn’t play that game with someone I am not familiar with. But I think I understand the other side of the equation. I don’t know anything about this particular business, but I certainly feel the pain with respect to the smaller businesses trying to make a living in this current environment (even without the pandemic thing). If it were a shop that I could drive to, then I would almost certainly go there and buy from them directly. But for me, it is a choice between an unknown shop owner in another state vs waiting until Sweetwater has them. I quite like Sweetwater and they have treated me well in the years past. But if I lived in SF, I would probably go visit them and purchase directly and write them a check. But I won’t use a Venmo type of thing over the interwebs.

Re: Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 Desktop Modules
« Reply #33 on: February 28, 2021, 07:30:44 PM »

Robotspeak in San Francisco just received their first batch, he has serial #2 and more.

I would not recommend getting from them unless you are desperate for one and have cash on hand.

When you add it to your cart the owner might try to reach out pressure you into paying cash because he loses money on sale something among those lines..

Ha! I got my first modular setup from Steve at RS. He’s a really good guy. And while I totally get how that could come off as shady, especially if you’ve never met, he’s not a shady guy.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2021, 08:50:24 PM by rustyjaw »

Re: Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 Desktop Modules
« Reply #34 on: March 01, 2021, 08:01:27 AM »
I ended up getting my P5 from RS, after my order from DM was delayed an extra month. I had pretty much the same dealing with Steve at Robot Speak as redonyellow, verbatim, regarding cc vs Venmo vs PayPal etc, and while, when I finally did get the 5 from him at a cost higher than I'd have paid at DM, I was still getting a very fair deal. I wouldn't give him top marks for snuggly bedside manner, but I appreciated his honesty (and the price he gave me, considering I was in wheeler/dealer mode). Even if the vibe was weird, I'd still be happy to support his business in future.

Meanwhile, I picked up my Grandmother around the same time from Detroit Modular. I was glad to be able to support two small "local" shops at once.


  • ***
  • 1542
Re: Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 Desktop Modules
« Reply #35 on: March 27, 2021, 02:37:07 PM »
Can anyone from Sequential (or whomever else has hands on experience) comment on the size of the knobs on P5/10 desktop versions? Judging from photos, they look to be smaller than on the keyboard version, but a bit larger than those on the Prophet 6?

This is Richard Barbieri from the band Japan with some tin drum action on his P5 desktop.  This is the first video I've seen that answers the knob size question.  They appear to be chunky for a desktop synth, and perhaps a tad larger than P6 knobs, but smaller than the keyboard version.
Prophet 10, OB-X8m, Prophet 6, OB-6, 3rd Wave, Prophet 12m, Prophet Rev2-16, Toraiz AS-1, Pro 2, Korg Polysix, Roland JP-8080, Roland System-8, Virus TI2, Moog SlimPhatty, Hydrasynth desktop, Roland SPD-SX SE / Octapad, Maschine, Cubase/Ableton/Akai MPC

Re: Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 Desktop Modules
« Reply #36 on: April 04, 2021, 04:52:46 AM »
Prophet-10 desktop found in my Easter basket along with candy. It joins my Evolver desktop and will no doubt get along well with other musical/audio devices on hand. 🖐 🤚

Re: Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 Desktop Modules
« Reply #37 on: April 28, 2021, 07:28:20 AM »
Prophet-10 desktop found in my Easter basket along with candy. It joins my Evolver desktop and will no doubt get along well with other musical/audio devices on hand. 🖐 🤚

and? now is the prophet 10 desktop module? any user experiences so far?