Happy 2021, all you Pro3ers in Pro 3 Land!
I'm excited to introduce WAV2Pro3, an online wavetable generation and sharing platform for the Sequential Pro 3.
This application is not meant to replace Sequential's wavetable generator, but provides an alternative with a different philosophy. Specifically:
(1) WAV2Pro3 designed to use the output of wavetable plugins like Serum, Vital, and others. These tools typically generate a single WAV file rather than multiple WAV files required by Sequential's generator.
(2) WAV2Pro3 can accept wavetables with any number of waveforms. It will automatically evenly (as possible) downsize wavetables larger than 16 waveforms, and it will fill in gaps with linear interpolation if your wavetable contains fewer than 16 waveforms. You can simply export from Serum and upload the resulting file to WAV2Pro3, with no need for additional curating or processing.
(3) WAV2Pro3 allows you to use any number wavetables in a single session.
(4) Like its older brother, WAV2Evolver, WAV2Pro3 encourages sharing your favorite wavetables to a community wavetable library.
If you use Serum or other wavetable editing software, please give it a try!