Help me understand Preset 007 (please)

Help me understand Preset 007 (please)
« on: December 27, 2020, 12:01:47 PM »
Hoping this doesn't come off as annoying, but could some kind and knowledgeable soul please explain preset 007 to me?

Specifically how/what is happening with the X-Mod and the secondary 'pitch' that triggers after a few moments. I have a track where I'd like to be able to have this sort of patch but without the secondary pitch playing. I started digging into this and the X-Mod (watched these videos ) but anytime I try to tweak the filter env, the vco 2 pot, or disable VCO1 or PW under the X-mod section, it it causes other changes to the initial tone I don' intend, with a higher/different oscillator mix, etc. 

Is there anything else going on with the amp/filter envelope attacks or something I'm missing? Wondering if anyone can explain what's going on with this patch as it's one of my favorite sounds the ob6 makes (alongside the big beautiful brasses, pads, sweeps, etc.) Are those X-mod settings inherent to the 'sound' such that I can't accomplish it without that secondary pitch firing.  I've gotten it where the secondary pitch triggers sooner or later, but the moment you remove it the basic pitch/sound shifts.

If you couldn't tell I learned synths on a Juno and I'm clearly out of my depth here lol. 

Thanks for reading and to anyone who can help explain and happy holidays.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2020, 12:10:46 PM by Samtheon47 »

Re: Help me understand Preset 007 (please)
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2020, 12:57:24 PM »
Hello. From what I've gathered so far, it is a clever trick of using the Sync function between the two oscillators. If you want to hear what is happening just turn it Off in the VCO1 section.

As you can hear, through the Xmod section, the filter envelope is controlling the pitch of OSC2 (of which the pitch has been set 5 semitones higher than VCO1), which in turn modulates the frequency of OSC1 (and also its sub oscillator).

When the Sync function is turned on, that abruptly only switches the frequency of the Sub Oscillator (hence the delayed octave note). The time of this delay can be controlled by the VCO2 knob in the Xmod section, or the Filter envelope decay time (but in this case also the overall note decay time as well).

The LFO also controls the slow vibrato of the patch and can be turned off by turning off VCO2 in the LFO section.

The PW1 in the Xmod section seems to be there to slightly change the timbre of VCO1, which is set to a square wave.

This might not be all that is happening here, but this is what I've managed to reverse-engineer so far.

Quite a complex patch with lots of things going on. And add the BBD and Room reverb effects and you've got a pretty nice sounding, electric piano-type with a delay patch. This is one occasion where a presets is actually pretty good.

Hope this helps a little.
Oberheim OB-X8, Minimoog D (vintage), OB6 (Desktop), Prophet REV2 (16V), VC340

Re: Help me understand Preset 007 (please)
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2020, 01:20:59 PM »
I ***LOVE*** preset 007/507, aka "Broken EP". Easily one of my favourite OB6 patches. Open up the filter on this and it gets nice and fizzy.