Following on from a discussion over at the "Off Topic" page, regarding the Prophet-5 Rev 4 Filter Rev1/2 sawtooth ramp being 'up' & the Filter Rev3 ramp being 'down', I was wondering if Sequential might consider having an option in Globals to switch the Osc B Lo Freq sawtooth ramp from 'up' to 'down'?
Currently, even though the Filter Rev3 Osc A & B sawtooth waveforms are 'down', putting Osc B in Lo Freq mode inverts the sawtooth back round again. Having the option to have a 'down' ramp on the Osc B Lo Freq would be handy for percussive/synth bass type sounds etc.
Also, in terms of this possibly veering away from the character of a Prophet-5, the original double manual Prophet-10 did have an option for either sawtooth waveform in the LFO section, so maybe it's still in keeping with the older Prophets? (An alternative request would be to just have a setting in the Globals to invert the LFO section sawtooth)