Thanks for providing this! and definitely like the JUCE UI- very clean. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out the quirks of sound tower and finding the best way to go about patch management. I need to spend a bit more time getting my head around KnobKraft, but this appears to be the best option currently for the task of librarian. And it is free to boot!
As for patch editing- I went from mostly happy to rather irritated with Soundtower yesterday since it just seems to not get any one thing totally right, and many of the things I want to do with that app are broken enough as to be a hindrance to productivity. It may be time to start building my own damn patch editor that actually works 
I hear what you say - when I got my Rev2 in 2017 (was it?) I had similar experiences, and at some point in time went straight in creating my own. Making an editor with the KnobKraft software is rather easy, I have a version that fully supports my BCR2000 controller to edit a DW-8000 or Matrix 1000, the main work is to layout the editing nicely, and have some nicer controls for envelopes.
Maybe version 2.0 of KnobKraft will get editor capabilities, but currently the most asked for feature is old-school bank management. I do keep all my patches on the computer and really don't care about what's in the synth's memory, but I don't live gig and therefore don't need to arrange everything neatly upfront.
In case nobody noticed it before - I am following Adobe Lightrooms Asset Management idea, to have a database with all assets (patches) and add complex search functions and favorites to deal with the high number of items. Works great so far.
Any helping hands in extending the software of course also appreciated!