Don't know what you're up to

but thank you for everything you've done, and I'm happy to answer!
1. I don't use Bank B at all. It feels inaccessible and tedious. I try to keep things as understandable and simple as possible, but Bank B feels like an awkward, hacky work-around.
2. Yes! I record with FX sliders all the time and love it. Never use 3+4 though for the same reason I don't use Bank B. Typically I record the slider AFTER recording the notes...sometimes to give it a subtle variation and human feel, sometimes to change the melody or entire thing (e.g. "playing the filter/resonance").
3. Sliders live a bit...mostly for building up the cutoff to prep for a beat change. It's a little annoying to set up for all beats consistently, and having to affect ALL parts rather than picking a few makes it only half useful.
4. Single-part sliders are pitch and cutoff 95% of the time. Beat sliders are pretty much just cutoff...I wish I could say "only affect these pads with this slider in beat mode."
5. I occasionally use the midi delay, but always tentatively. If it was an audio FX delay (vs midi) with a few simple params I'd use it a lot more. Give me that and a reverb voices could be individually sent to and I'd be so happy!
And for how I use the Tempest if useful:I record full songs on my Tempest. Each project has four 1 on beats 1-4, song 2 on 5-8, etc. Each of the four beats per song is used for intro, verse, chorus, bridge or variations thereof. I also play some songs as single beats with mutes. I switch between beats, manipulate mutes, and use one FX slider for cutoff when playing live.