When using audio Range FM via Poly-Mod (target is "Freq 1" and both oscillators operating in audio range) it is possible to create great "metallic" sounds.
But when doing that every voice has a noticeable different beat frequency and the "octave purity" gets worse with increasing modulation level.
Therefore it is not possible to play melodic lines over a few octaves or even chords, without sounding "wrong" and out of tune.
Imho this form of FM can just be used for non-melodic effects or monophonic operation.
To be said: Slop and Detune are set to 0. The device is tuned (in the range of a few cents, checked with a tuner) and also it sounds in tune when played without FM
Is there a reason why the P6 (and also the OB6) behaves in this way ?
Or should that not be the case and I have a non properly working device ?