Dear DSI,
Seems like the 1.2.10b is a keeper, for me at least.
I upgraded from the 1.1 stable. I noticed that the calibration routine seems slightly different, the LF would loop back to 1 after 6 for instance, and it seems more stable temp-wise. Am I dreaming it?
My personal feature requests:
- the dot-on-preset-value is great but, stealing from similar mature systems like manual focus indicators on DSLRs, I'd much prefer 2 dots, one for when you are under the value, another for when you are above, and both when you are on it. There is a second dot on the LCD that could be used for that. This way no tiptoeing in the wrong direction.
- please please pretty please, add more velocity curves with an offset start value like 30% instead of 0...
Thank you again and again for that wonderful synth.