How does one say "thank you" in a meaningful way, for such a characterful upgrade to an existing product?
Vintage Mode absolutely transforms the P6, relative to the existing Slop functionality and - while I'm probably not necessarily the obvious target for a P5/P10r4 - shows that Sequential goes the extra mile for their existing customers.
Now I'm _really_ tempted to hear what this does to an OB-6.
I've noticed that, with Vintage Mode engaged, I play the device differently than I did previously, having to accommodate for the variation in attacks, filter cutoff, etc. It's a different kind of articulation.
I haven't done any sound design starting with Vintage Mode engaged yet, so I suspect that that will change my approach on patches that would otherwise use up an LFO somewhere.
Also - I feel bad that I haven't tried out the MPE support; that's no minor functional update in and of itself. Good job, Sequential!