Need to adjust some of the envelopes on the P6 to decrease the “click” of the snappy envelopes.
The similarities in sound in that particular video do still make me want to add a P5/10, but also make me want to hold off, really think through my existing setup, and decide if the new version of old is different enough from the P6 to be what I need in my next synth.
One one hand, yes, I already know it is, because I was already thinking of buying a second P6 (I like mine that much), while just having the 5 octave key bed, bigger knobs, etc. and the more vintage sound would be a huge plus. Problem is, the next synth will occupy prime real estate on my 4 tier stand, so the choice must be made carefully. I also have a 2 tier Ultimate and a 1 tier stand that aren't currently in use, but the 4 tier is where it all happens.
Some say the P6 and the OB-6 are too similar, but to me they are entirely different animals that complement each other, and the similarities are a plus (for speed of workflow). My guess is that the same would be true by adding the P5/10 to my setup... similar and different in the right amounts. But I want to be certain, especially since the P5/10 will also probably result in some FX pedal purchases to do the things a P6 already does, over and above the four plus grand the synth itself costs.
You would require at least 3-4 effects pedals, an external sequencer and arpeggiator to accompany the P5 to get close to the features of the P6...but even the gentleman in the video said the P6 also has more range in terms of the values (Even plus negative parameters on envelopes and poly mod). I discussed the envelope settings in the comment section of the video and he admitted that the P6 has such a wide range to the parameters compared to the P5 that you really need to dial both of them differently to match the sound. It's still incredibly close though.
Although, in the comments he also expressed a slight preference for the P5, and mentioned on how the big knobs of the P5 really helped dial in that exact sound he was after. This is something that actually matters a lot to me in terms of realtime playing/recording into the DAW. I've never felt this was a shortcoming of the P6 or OB-6 for that matter, but large knobs do sound appealing.
Also, knowing me I would end up with pedals on the P5, but it's amazing what you can do with cheap or free plug-ins these days. I mentioned Valhamma Supermassive (free) in another post, and already have Valhalla Vintage (also excellent and only $50)... these plug-ins are surprisingly competitive with my BigSky, so they're an option (and delay and chorus type pedals aren't all that expensive).
Then I come back to one fact -- like many, I've drooled over a vintage P5 for a long time, but was held back by concerns of needed repairs and reliability, worrying about whether a Rev 2 or 3 were better, the $7-8k pricetag, etc. and then to all of a sudden to be able to buy a brand new one with Sequential warranty support at the prices they are asking, that has varying "vintagism" and switchable filters.... when I think about it from that standpoint, I'm like "what am I waiting for, just order it!"...
... then I remember I'm waiting for word on whether the P10 will be offering settable voice count or not..