Apply osc shape mod to all oscilators at once (i cant find this if its there, eg lfo to all) minor thing can dupicate in matrix anyway
env loop sync to bpm like sub 37,
env reset per note, see above
Big for my needs real time note record, dont need a click track i can sync to drum machine etc
It probably cant be done but i feel like the resonance on the filters could be a bit sharper towards the top it goes from squelchy to screaming without the point were it really bites and you can pick out all the harmonics when you sweep the filter, i also have a P6 and OB6 and they both can do this with ease particualy the OB6
I find adding the filter drive actually exacerbates this further, which suprised me a bit, the ladder filter is probably the worst at this it doesnt behave like a moog ladder, with as Nick Batt would say sing song harmonics
Im thinking the increased resolution on the filter maybe why they behave like this I think its 1024 as opposed to 127 i mapped the filter to my mpc q link over midi and it barely moves!
Be intrested if others experiance this or perhaps mine are calibrated wrong (although ive obviously ran the calibration)