Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)

Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« on: September 04, 2020, 01:20:57 PM »
Please post here....

First for me would be, UI overhaul and.....

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2020, 02:13:32 PM »
Real time recording

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2020, 02:51:06 PM »
1. More Mod Destinations for real-time Sequence Mangling:
  a. Seq Velocity Offset
  b. Seq Duration / Step Gate Offset
  c. Seq Ratcheting Offset
  d. Seq Last Step Offset

The above destinations would allow for doing some really cool sequence mangling / sequence variation via mod wheel, slider, pedal, or other mod sources (lfos, envelopes, etc)   

2. More Mod Destinations for other real-time modulation:
  e. Glide Time
  f. Arp Range
  g. Arp Repeats
  h. Clock Divide
  i. Global BPM Offset

These above mod destinations would further allow more real-time arp beat effects / temporal effects.

3. Sequencer Note Ties / Duration > 100% for allowing gliding between notes

OB-X8, Pro 3, P6, Rev2, Take 5, 3rd Wave, Deepmind, PolyBrute, Sub 37
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Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2020, 03:47:35 PM »
Please post here....

First for me would be, UI overhaul and.....
UI overhaul. You mean like changing the whole front panel?  ;D

I’ve submitted mine to Sequential and got 1 out of 5 so far!

1) SEQUENCER: Ability to tie notes that aren’t the same for a legato effect, for example from a C to a G

2) OSCILLATORS: Ability to apply linear FM from one oscillator to another, especially to the VCOs

3) SEQUENCER: Ability to shift the sequence to the left or right to be able to change the starting step

4) SEQUENCER: Ability to assign glide per step as on 303s and other units--as opposed to global glide

5) OSCILLATORS: Ability to create user wavetables

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2020, 12:30:34 AM »
I would like to see the sequence patterns(ABC,D) auto follow when playing, although this maybe counter productive for some, a toggle command would be perfect 👍

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2020, 04:54:30 PM »
Apply osc shape mod to all oscilators at once (i cant find this if its there, eg lfo to all) minor thing can dupicate in matrix anyway

env loop sync to bpm like sub 37,

env reset per note, see above

Big for my needs real time note record, dont need a click track i can sync to drum machine etc

It probably cant be done but i feel like the resonance on the filters could be a bit sharper towards the top it goes from squelchy to screaming without the point were it really bites and you can pick out all the harmonics when you sweep the filter, i also have a P6 and OB6 and they both can do this with ease particualy the OB6

I find adding the filter drive actually exacerbates this further, which suprised me a bit, the ladder filter is probably the worst at this it doesnt behave like a moog ladder, with as Nick Batt would say sing song harmonics

Im thinking the increased resolution on the filter maybe why they behave like this I think its 1024 as opposed to 127 i mapped the filter to my mpc q link over midi and it barely moves!

Be intrested if others experiance this or perhaps mine are calibrated wrong (although ive obviously ran the calibration)

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2020, 01:35:33 PM »
Please... filter tracking glide.

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2020, 06:56:49 AM »
Unsure of how useful it may be, but when naming a patch, I enjoyed doing this on my Ion, being able to press a key and have that related to a letter to help expedite the process as opposed to spinning the knob all the way round.
E.g If I press C2 when renaming a patch it automatically changes out to "m" and D2 would correspond to "n"

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2020, 02:27:52 PM »
+1 for Clock Divide as a mod destination. That would allow for some fun possibilities on the arp and sequencer!

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2020, 09:09:08 PM »
Make the slew like it is on the Pro 2 so that you can turn it on or off and set the amount for each individual step of a track. This allows you to do much more interesting sequences.

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2020, 02:18:28 AM »
1. More Mod Destinations for real-time Sequence Mangling:
  a. Seq Velocity Offset
  b. Seq Duration / Step Gate Offset
  c. Seq Ratcheting Offset
  d. Seq Last Step Offset

The above destinations would allow for doing some really cool sequence mangling / sequence variation via mod wheel, slider, pedal, or other mod sources (lfos, envelopes, etc)   

2. More Mod Destinations for other real-time modulation:
  e. Glide Time
  f. Arp Range
  g. Arp Repeats
  h. Clock Divide
  i. Global BPM Offset

These above mod destinations would further allow more real-time arp beat effects / temporal effects.

3. Sequencer Note Ties / Duration > 100% for allowing gliding between notes

really nice, indeed!!!!


  • *
  • 47
  • Ham handed synth enthusiast
Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2020, 08:58:29 AM »
I just realized there isn't an LFO delay, seems like a pretty fundamental item to be missing.
Kijimi, Xerxes mk2, OB6D, P6D, Prophet 5D (expanded), OB-X8D, Hydrasynth, Pro 3, Wavestate, MS20D, A4mk2, ARmk2, MC202, Avalon, Syntakt, Octatrack, NLDR, H9000, Digitone, Deckard's Dream mk2, Isi-Nin, Roland System 500 + other Eurorack

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2020, 10:37:56 AM »
I just realized there isn't an LFO delay, seems like a pretty fundamental item to be missing.

LFO Delay is a really nice function to have direct access to.  You can route an Aux Env 3/4 to LFO amount, but would be nice for each LFO to just have a dedicated Delay (or Attack) stage.   

It's a feature I use often on DM12.   Also, envelope ADR contour shaping would be super awesome. 

OB-X8, Pro 3, P6, Rev2, Take 5, 3rd Wave, Deepmind, PolyBrute, Sub 37
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Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2020, 07:50:14 PM »

Pro 3 / Feature request: Sequence Nudging
« on: October 15, 2020, 02:35:11 AM »
It would be a huge time saver if were able to shift the complete sequence once programmed, to the right or left in step increments.
Maybe by holding down record+REv\FWD  :)

Pro 3 / Feature request: Sequencer note probability
« on: October 14, 2020, 09:01:10 PM »

Would be really great if note probability function would be implemented in the upcoming OS update  :)

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #14 on: October 24, 2020, 10:35:16 AM »
Higher pitch ranges for the oscillators vis a softknob. When I FM from the oscillators, I'm always wishing they went a bit higher.

When you move the octave knob, you jump to the menu where a soft knob already controllers the octaves. I'd love if the soft knob at least could go up and down an extra octave or two even if the hard knob can't. Moving the hardknob would just have it jump back to the standard octaves and that would be totally fine.

You can already extend the range with a DC offset but this would be much easier and not waste a mod slot.

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2020, 12:53:51 PM »
Not sure if possible but I'd love for the external audio input to be a selectable setting in misc params.

I'd like to keep a cable plugged into the ext input but still be able to use the EXT audio knob for feedback without unplugging that cable. On a patch by patch basis.

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #16 on: October 30, 2020, 08:36:23 PM »
Another Arp Mode would be great:

Similar to the existing UpDown mode, but it repeats the top and bottom note that are held.

Instead of
It goes:

This gives a good variation for syncopated patterns.   You can hold down four notes and get repeating behavior over 16/32/64 beats. 

OB-X8, Pro 3, P6, Rev2, Take 5, 3rd Wave, Deepmind, PolyBrute, Sub 37
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Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #17 on: October 30, 2020, 08:43:22 PM »
Another Arp Mode would be great:

Similar to the existing UpDown mode, but it repeats the top and bottom note that are held.

Instead of
It goes:

This gives a good variation for syncopated patterns.   You can hold down four notes and get repeating behavior over 16/32/64 beats.
This is the only option on the MatrixBrute and people HATE it!  ;D
I think it's mostly because there's no other option because it can be put to good use.

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #18 on: October 30, 2020, 09:17:30 PM »
Another Arp Mode would be great:

Similar to the existing UpDown mode, but it repeats the top and bottom note that are held.

Instead of
It goes:

This gives a good variation for syncopated patterns.   You can hold down four notes and get repeating behavior over 16/32/64 beats.
This is the only option on the MatrixBrute and people HATE it!  ;D
I think it's mostly because there's no other option because it can be put to good use.

Yeah, I wouldn't want the current Up/Down replaced... just add another variation.   Both options are useful, depending on musical context.   The Up/Down Repeat lends itself to more syncopated patterns with even number of notes held.   

OB-X8, Pro 3, P6, Rev2, Take 5, 3rd Wave, Deepmind, PolyBrute, Sub 37
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Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #19 on: November 01, 2020, 09:50:18 AM »

bug ? : When i move  2 knob at the same time , it s occur an odd issue to the sync of sequencer track midi note out

Feature : the possibility to choose wich sequenced track are transposed by the keyboard
Example :
sequenced track midi out 2:  send note number  to a drum rack , i want to transpose only the oscillators sequence of the pro 3 and keep my drum sequence.