Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)


Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #180 on: August 07, 2024, 01:25:52 PM »
Would like an option for high pass filter in delay and reverb parameters (maybe other effects, other than the obvious hpf by itself). I feel it would help clean up the low end since all we have as a param is low pass, unless i'm missing something and we can switch from lpf to hpf in those effect parameters

The feedback filter on the reverb is already low below noon, high above noon as far as I can tell.

Nice! I'll check this out today. Still would like one for the delays

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #181 on: August 30, 2024, 08:53:29 PM »
Long time I don't check this forum. Btw in the remote case there will be another update for the Pro 3, I have a couple of simple requests about the lfos:

1) Introduce an adjustable fade-in time for the lfos. This has been the norm in most synths for the last few decades, it sounds bizarre to me having to waste an ADSR just for that.

2) A way to lock Slew Rate to the lfo rate. As it is, if you change lfo speed, you have to change slew as well. This is especially when you are using s&h, and want a smoothed version of that.
Better yet, add a "Sample and Glide" waveform, and bypass the issue.

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #182 on: September 03, 2024, 04:21:34 AM »
2) A way to lock Slew Rate to the lfo rate. As it is, if you change lfo speed, you have to change slew as well. This is especially when you are using s&h, and want a smoothed version of that.
Better yet, add a "Sample and Glide" waveform, and bypass the issue.

Interesting, I used to think about slew value being more of a depth value rather then rate value. I have to do some exploration of the interaction between lfo speed and slew.

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #183 on: Yesterday at 12:22:26 PM »
I just want to add one feature request: make the symbols loop when naming patches.
Ever since I got the 3rd Wave I've wondered why my Pro 3 doesn't do this simple thing.