Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #100 on: November 22, 2021, 05:31:52 AM »
Lots of good ideas here. Can't make any promises but definitely a lot of solid workflow enhancements I'll think about

Yes! Thank you

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #101 on: December 06, 2021, 01:27:39 PM »
Have submitted most of these before, though adding a few additional items here.   

Summarizing what I see as the biggest potential gains for firmware update:

1. SEQ Mod Destinations
More Mod Destinations for real-time Sequence Mangling:
  a. Seq Velocity Offset
  b. Seq Duration / Step Gate Offset
  c. Seq Ratcheting Offset
  d. Seq Last Step Offset

The above destinations would allow for doing some really cool sequence mangling / sequence variation via mod wheel, slider, pedal, or other mod sources (lfos, envelopes, etc)   For live control of note sequences, it would allow much more interactivity and variation. 

2. Other Mod Destinations
For other real-time modulation:
  e. Glide Time
  f. Arp Range
  g. Arp Repeats
  h. Clock Divide
  i. Global BPM Offset
  j. Osc ShapeMod ALL
  k. Osc Level ALL
  l. Direct VCA Amount (for drones)
  m. LFO Slew Amount
  n. Sequencer A|B|C|D switching (switch at cutoff points every 32 digits)

The above mod destinations would allow for more realtime control or sequence control over key parameters.   The Osc Shape All and Osc Volume All would be a convenience rather then spending the time and mod slots to route three independent oscs. 

3. ARP/SEQ Probability
Adding Probability as a Sequencer and/or Arpeggiator.  It would be really cool to be able to set a probability between 0% and 100% (default) for each step in the sequencer.  If a RND(100) >= Probability then the step plays, otherwise it skips the step.   

4. Seq Step Glide
Ability to set Glides between steps in Sequences... this has been asked by many, and would be very cool.

5. Osc Beat Frequency
Add Osc Beat Frequency option... (like available on Moog Sub 37) - available either in menu, or as mod destination.   This is a cool option that combines Key Tracking with Osc Frequency to make it so the beating frequency between two oscillators stays the same between different keys.   When it's tuned in, and sync'd to drums, it can be really cool sounding. 

It requires a specific exponential key tracking to work over multiple octaves... unfortunately, it can't be done with mod matrix currently... I'm not sure why.  I thought it would work with Key Tracking to Osc Freq 2, but seems the key tracking math is not what's required for a multi octave range. 

6. New ARP Mode
Add an additional ARP mode option:   Up-Down REPEAT

With Up-Down it goes:
With Up-Down REPEAT it goes:

7. Envelope ADR Contour Shaping
Maybe a long shot: but Envelope ADR contour adjustments would be great for Pro 3 (and all Seq instruments... if you can develop the IP for it and reuse for envelopes on all instruments)   Being able to adjust from concave -> linear -> convex for the Attack, Decay and Release makes the envelopes so much more versatile.   You can get super snappy sounds when you want em for bass or leads, or long smooth transitions for pads and other sounds.

8. Paraphonic Voice Stealing Control
Add some control for Paraphonic Osc stealing.  Either implement: Hold 1 Lowest, Hold 2 Lowest, Hold 1 Oldest, Hold 2 Oldest voice control, or something based on keyboard split points, where you set a key (or two key split points), and Osc 1 will be prioritized for the lowest section, Osc 2 for the middle and Osc 3 for the top.   (while still allowing them to be available for any key section if not already reserved/held).  The best implementation might have two split points, and a toggle on/off for each of the three oscillators that indicated whether they only will be exclusively used if the key is in their split, or if they will also be available if unused for other key sections.   

OSC 1 EXCLUSIVE:  True/False 
OSC 2 EXCLUSIVE:  True/False

OB-X8, Pro 3, P6, Rev2, Take 5, 3rd Wave, Deepmind, PolyBrute, Sub 37
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Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #102 on: December 06, 2021, 03:44:19 PM »
I appreciate the list!

The chip issues and hardware supply chain problems have taken all of our time lately so I don't want to give you guys an expectation that I'll be able to work on feature additions like I was able to in the last few years. We are all doing our best to deal with the new challenges and keep things moving. The intention is there (the Pro3 is easily my favorite monosynth we have ever done!) but I gotta find the time.

Have submitted most of these before, though adding a few additional items here.   

Summarizing what I see as the biggest potential gains for firmware update:

1. SEQ Mod Destinations
More Mod Destinations for real-time Sequence Mangling:
  a. Seq Velocity Offset
  b. Seq Duration / Step Gate Offset
  c. Seq Ratcheting Offset
  d. Seq Last Step Offset

The above destinations would allow for doing some really cool sequence mangling / sequence variation via mod wheel, slider, pedal, or other mod sources (lfos, envelopes, etc)   For live control of note sequences, it would allow much more interactivity and variation. 

2. Other Mod Destinations
For other real-time modulation:
  e. Glide Time
  f. Arp Range
  g. Arp Repeats
  h. Clock Divide
  i. Global BPM Offset
  j. Osc ShapeMod ALL
  k. Osc Level ALL
  l. Direct VCA Amount (for drones)
  m. LFO Slew Amount
  n. Sequencer A|B|C|D switching (switch at cutoff points every 32 digits)

The above mod destinations would allow for more realtime control or sequence control over key parameters.   The Osc Shape All and Osc Volume All would be a convenience rather then spending the time and mod slots to route three independent oscs. 

3. ARP/SEQ Probability
Adding Probability as a Sequencer and/or Arpeggiator.  It would be really cool to be able to set a probability between 0% and 100% (default) for each step in the sequencer.  If a RND(100) >= Probability then the step plays, otherwise it skips the step.   

4. Seq Step Glide
Ability to set Glides between steps in Sequences... this has been asked by many, and would be very cool.

5. Osc Beat Frequency
Add Osc Beat Frequency option... (like available on Moog Sub 37) - available either in menu, or as mod destination.   This is a cool option that combines Key Tracking with Osc Frequency to make it so the beating frequency between two oscillators stays the same between different keys.   When it's tuned in, and sync'd to drums, it can be really cool sounding. 

It requires a specific exponential key tracking to work over multiple octaves... unfortunately, it can't be done with mod matrix currently... I'm not sure why.  I thought it would work with Key Tracking to Osc Freq 2, but seems the key tracking math is not what's required for a multi octave range. 

6. New ARP Mode
Add an additional ARP mode option:   Up-Down REPEAT

With Up-Down it goes:
With Up-Down REPEAT it goes:

7. Envelope ADR Contour Shaping
Maybe a long shot: but Envelope ADR contour adjustments would be great for Pro 3 (and all Seq instruments... if you can develop the IP for it and reuse for envelopes on all instruments)   Being able to adjust from concave -> linear -> convex for the Attack, Decay and Release makes the envelopes so much more versatile.   You can get super snappy sounds when you want em for bass or leads, or long smooth transitions for pads and other sounds.

8. Paraphonic Voice Stealing Control
Add some control for Paraphonic Osc stealing.  Either implement: Hold 1 Lowest, Hold 2 Lowest, Hold 1 Oldest, Hold 2 Oldest voice control, or something based on keyboard split points, where you set a key (or two key split points), and Osc 1 will be prioritized for the lowest section, Osc 2 for the middle and Osc 3 for the top.   (while still allowing them to be available for any key section if not already reserved/held).  The best implementation might have two split points, and a toggle on/off for each of the three oscillators that indicated whether they only will be exclusively used if the key is in their split, or if they will also be available if unused for other key sections.   

OSC 1 EXCLUSIVE:  True/False 
OSC 2 EXCLUSIVE:  True/False

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #103 on: December 15, 2021, 12:55:36 PM »
Would love the ability to determine the percentage of filter frequency per each oscillator and also the ability to bypass the filter all together. This would give 3 different levels of harmonics per note.

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #104 on: December 16, 2021, 06:13:39 AM »
One thing, that I hope could be fairly easy to implement, is some more parameters to control the noise source. If it is digital (which I assume) I'd like to see some control of colour, like a spectral tilt. I often miss the possibility to use a low frequency noise as a modulator. This was nice on the Pro-2 where you could set the colour of the noise source(s) and that this was also a modulation destination. Great source of nice grainy sounds without fizzyness!

Also a control of noise sparseness, which could be implemented using a simple comparator with an adjustable level. I have only seen this in the modular world but I think it is a nice way to create sounds which sound a bit like vinyl noise with pops and small impulses in them. Would also make for an interesting modulation source.

If the noise source is actually analogue in the Pro-3 this could be implemented as an extra waveform of Osc3. You can use the wavetables for noise-like sounds but they end up sounding rather metallic most of the time.


Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #105 on: December 16, 2021, 12:00:18 PM »
Would love the ability to determine the percentage of filter frequency per each oscillator and also the ability to bypass the filter all together. This would give 3 different levels of harmonics per note.
This would only be possible with 3 filters. So unfortunately, it's not possible, as we only have 1.

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #106 on: December 20, 2021, 03:49:53 AM »

7. Envelope ADR Contour Shaping
Maybe a long shot: but Envelope ADR contour adjustments would be great for Pro 3 (and all Seq instruments... if you can develop the IP for it and reuse for envelopes on all instruments)   Being able to adjust from concave -> linear -> convex for the Attack, Decay and Release makes the envelopes so much more versatile.   You can get super snappy sounds when you want em for bass or leads, or long smooth transitions for pads and other sounds.

This one would be absolutely fantastic.

New ARP function: Create rythmical pattern (including rest and tie) for the ARP
« Reply #107 on: January 01, 2022, 02:19:41 PM »
Rythmical patterns for the ARP!

Since there are already 16 step buttons that are used to program the SEQ, they could also be used to create rythmical ARP patterns. The rest and tie functions used in the SEQ could also work for the ARP.

This would add a big amount of flexibility.


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Oh aren't you in for a surprise... you can trigger the sequencer with the arp

Rythmical patterns for the ARP!

Since there are already 16 step buttons that are used to program the SEQ, they could also be used to create rythmical ARP patterns. The rest and tie functions used in the SEQ could also work for the ARP.

This would add a big amount of flexibility.

Oh aren't you in for a surprise... you can trigger the sequencer with the arp

Rythmical patterns for the ARP!

Since there are already 16 step buttons that are used to program the SEQ, they could also be used to create rythmical ARP patterns. The rest and tie functions used in the SEQ could also work for the ARP.

This would add a big amount of flexibility.

Thank you dear friend for your friendly participation. What you suggested, is a.ready clear to me. Indie already like this.

But triggering the ARP from the keyboard, with a single key, just plays back the pre-recorded sequence. It doesn’t changes the note intervals that you have recorded, it just transposes them, according which key you press.

But what I want to achieve - and what I already know from other synthesizers - is to play e.g. 3 notes chord on the keyboard and let the ARP break that chord into single tones played e.g. upwards, but take the rythmic information from the SEQ, including rests, ties and ratchets.

This is something completely different. Gives you way more flexibility. If you ever experienced this on other synthesizers before, you may not understand it in the first place.


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Ahhh... yet another extension I intended to do but had no time for. The sequencer wasn't given as much attention as I would have liked. I'll put that in the mind bank for improvements

You can do something similar if you use LFOs and envelopes on each step, but it definitely isn't easy given the current design choices

Oh aren't you in for a surprise... you can trigger the sequencer with the arp

Rythmical patterns for the ARP!

Since there are already 16 step buttons that are used to program the SEQ, they could also be used to create rythmical ARP patterns. The rest and tie functions used in the SEQ could also work for the ARP.

This would add a big amount of flexibility.

Thank you dear friend for your friendly participation. What you suggested, is a.ready clear to me. Indie already like this.

But triggering the ARP from the keyboard, with a single key, just plays back the pre-recorded sequence. It doesn’t changes the note intervals that you have recorded, it just transposes them, according which key you press.

But what I want to achieve - and what I already know from other synthesizers - is to play e.g. 3 notes chord on the keyboard and let the ARP break that chord into single tones played e.g. upwards, but take the rythmic information from the SEQ, including rests, ties and ratchets.

This is something completely different. Gives you way more flexibility. If you ever experienced this on other synthesizers before, you may not understand it in the first place.

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #111 on: January 05, 2022, 05:34:16 PM »
Would it be possible to add "Glide Rate" and the "Glide" toggle as a modulation destination? This would be so nice for 303 style bass sequences.

Also, how about a key modifier such as holding "play + mode" on the sequencer while pressing "fwd" or "rev" to nudge the sequence timing forward or backwards 1 step (and use this same combination of holding "play" + "mode" while adjusting the sequencer "divide" dial to adjust the nudge step interval).

A key modifier of holding "play + mode" could enable a transpose for the current selected sequence when turning the  "note" dial adove the LED screen while "track sel" is active.

I would to find the functionality of a 303 style bass sequencer on the Pro 3. I know that many functions on the Pro 3 are much deeper in  many ways, but it's the most basic functions that are the most important, especially for performing live.

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #112 on: January 10, 2022, 08:46:23 AM »
Would love the ability to determine the percentage of filter frequency per each oscillator and also the ability to bypass the filter all together. This would give 3 different levels of harmonics per note.
This would only be possible with 3 filters. So unfortunately, it's not possible, as we only have 1.

Well perhaps the work around is to have the third oscillator be able to bypass the filter entirely.

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #113 on: January 20, 2022, 07:33:29 AM »
Mod source for Morph which is available in the sequencer (not velocity?)   unless im missing something and this actually is possible

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #114 on: January 24, 2022, 10:32:51 AM »
Please please please please please could you put:

Start points for the sequencer so we can create interesting loops..  so many times i have some interesting things and I would just like to loop them or start from a different place...   it would be such a nifty addition to the sequencer!

Also - slew, im guessing it might have been a design choice, but i will add +1 for the request

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #115 on: January 26, 2022, 12:43:01 PM »
Please please please please please could you put:

Start points for the sequencer so we can create interesting loops..  so many times i have some interesting things and I would just like to loop them or start from a different place...   it would be such a nifty addition to the sequencer!

Also - slew, im guessing it might have been a design choice, but i will add +1 for the request

I would love this feature, to be able to maybe push the start point and end point at the same time while pressing reset to define the section that plays. Like how you change the end point.

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #116 on: January 27, 2022, 04:50:56 AM »
Please please please please please could you put:

Start points for the sequencer so we can create interesting loops..  so many times i have some interesting things and I would just like to loop them or start from a different place...   it would be such a nifty addition to the sequencer!

Also - slew, im guessing it might have been a design choice, but i will add +1 for the request

I would love this feature, to be able to maybe push the start point and end point at the same time while pressing reset to define the section that plays. Like how you change the end point.

Yeah exactly|!   

When making weird complex sequences sometimes there is only one bit that works really well and it is a chore to capture that part when it could be so simple

(+ need slew)

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #117 on: January 27, 2022, 05:16:14 AM »
Please please please please please could you put:

Start points for the sequencer so we can create interesting loops..  so many times i have some interesting things and I would just like to loop them or start from a different place...   it would be such a nifty addition to the sequencer!

Also - slew, im guessing it might have been a design choice, but i will add +1 for the request

And add the start & end points as mod destinations...that would be amazing (although admittedly complex to implement I should imagine)!  :D

Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #118 on: February 14, 2022, 11:43:39 PM »
since Pro 3 OS was a new feature introduced, called New Sequencer Double Tap Step Edit Record Mode. My new Pro 3 has the latest OS . Every time I try to use this feature, the entries I made this way, were deleted after pressing the record button in order to leave this mode. Is this a known bug?
Thank you.


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Re: Pro 3, firmware OS.. requests.. improvements.. incoming :-)
« Reply #119 on: February 17, 2022, 03:16:09 PM »

7. Envelope ADR Contour Shaping
Maybe a long shot: but Envelope ADR contour adjustments would be great for Pro 3 (and all Seq instruments... if you can develop the IP for it and reuse for envelopes on all instruments)   Being able to adjust from concave -> linear -> convex for the Attack, Decay and Release makes the envelopes so much more versatile.   You can get super snappy sounds when you want em for bass or leads, or long smooth transitions for pads and other sounds.

Not sure if I missed this or forgot I saw it but, I put this on a list too, and also came up with a way to do it for Decay. Should work for Attack too.
(If you find a better way let me know. This is the shortest version I could think of without using up an Osc or an Aux Env.)

Something like this... 

LFO 3 > -80 > Env Filter Dec
Env LPF > -12 > LFO 3 Freq
-- with LFO 3 on Saw, Freq 20, Wave Reset On  --  Filter Env  A:0  D:76  S:0

Solved Longer Decay / more than 127 Decay value:
DC > -# > Env Filter Dec
Kurzweil K, Pro3, TX81z, K1r, Triton w/MOSS, Wavestation EX in a bag in the corner.