First and foremost, if you don't want the vibrato on the mod wheel while doing this either turn Mod 2 (ModWheel to LFO1 Amount) all the way to zero or scroll either or both the source and destination knobs above the screen all the way down to turn that modulation off. If you still want the vibrato, but don't want it to be as dramatic, just turn the amount of modulation down.
To get the routing you want, you initially want to route Aux 1 to Osc 1 Coarse Frequency, but leave the amount set to zero. As expected, this in and of itself makes no difference.
The second routing you have to do is to go into the mod matrix to route the ModWheel to Aux 1 amount. The shortcut to do this is to hold down "Source" and move the Mod Wheel, and then hold down "Destination" and turn the "Amount" knob on the Aux Envelope controls while the Aux envelope is set to envelope 1. This has the desired effect of the mod wheel turning up the amount of the aux envelope routed to oscillator 1 coarse pitch.