Midi out of the sequencer ??


Midi out of the sequencer ??
« on: July 21, 2020, 05:43:58 AM »
Does anybody know if it is possible to send midi notes from the sequencer to an external device/synth? :)

Re: Midi out of the sequencer ??
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2020, 07:01:58 AM »
Nokki, try doing a search under Pro 2 category for this.  I think its explained.
Sequential/DSI Equipment: Poly Evolver Keyboard, Evolver desktop,   Pro-2, Pro-3, OB6, P-12,



Re: Midi out of the sequencer ??
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2020, 09:29:41 AM »
Nokki, try doing a search under Pro 2 category for this.  I think its explained.

So Basically you are saying it is not possible at all to send midi out of the sequencer - only CV?
At least i see some discussion about that, not sure if it was later implimented in a firmware update or not

Re: Midi out of the sequencer ??
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2020, 10:41:54 AM »
In the mod matrix you can select a sequencer track as a source and a MIDI output port and channel (Seq Out 1/2 Ch 1-16) as a destination. You can also select a destination directly from the sequencer track itself. Just make sure your velocity values are above zero in the sequencer track or you won't hear anything. At least that is my recollection.
DSI Pro 2 | Yamaha MODX 6 | Volcas: FM2/Kick  | Roland JU-06A | 104HP Eurorack | Arturia Drumbrute Impact | Eventide H9 | EHX Grand Canyon | iPad

Re: Midi out of the sequencer ??
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2020, 11:25:07 AM »
Bryan D,  yeah that sounds about right. I seem to recall that velocity was the trick.

Give that shot Nokki and see how it goes.  Let us know if that doesn't work. 
Sequential/DSI Equipment: Poly Evolver Keyboard, Evolver desktop,   Pro-2, Pro-3, OB6, P-12,


Re: Midi out of the sequencer ??
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2020, 11:27:05 AM »
I got this working after seeing my mod matrix destinations greyed out, also.

This was never explained very well, and there is certainly a specific order in doing this.

1. Lay your notes on Track 1.
2. Copy and paste Track 1 to another track.
3. Set mod source as that new track.
4. Set mod destination to Seq Out (choose your appropriate output# and channel#),  Out1Ch2, for instance. Use either the sequencer or the mod matrix for this, and ignore it being greyed out.
5. Now you have to manually go in and raise the velocity on the individual steps of the *new* track, since  when track 1 was copied to another track, the velocity data was not copied.

« Last Edit: September 22, 2020, 12:07:23 PM by AJ317 »

Re: Midi out of the sequencer ??
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2020, 12:09:56 PM »
Try Seq Out 1 Ch 1 even if it's greyed out. Try also Ch 16 even if it's greyed out. I think one of those worked for me, but I'll have to check when I'm in front of my P2. It's been a while since I've sent MIDI tracks out of it.
DSI Pro 2 | Yamaha MODX 6 | Volcas: FM2/Kick  | Roland JU-06A | 104HP Eurorack | Arturia Drumbrute Impact | Eventide H9 | EHX Grand Canyon | iPad

Re: Midi out of the sequencer ??
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2020, 01:50:43 PM »
Try Seq Out 1 Ch 1 even if it's greyed out. Try also Ch 16 even if it's greyed out.

No dice, either way.  :-\

Re: Midi out of the sequencer ??
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2020, 09:41:21 AM »
I know I have gotten this to work before, but unfortunately it takes a  lot of screwing around to use MIDI out of this sequencer.  I don't bother with it because of that.
Sequential/DSI Equipment: Poly Evolver Keyboard, Evolver desktop,   Pro-2, Pro-3, OB6, P-12,



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Re: Midi out of the sequencer ??
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2020, 06:49:53 PM »
This is a damn shame, and why? From the creator of MIDI! How on Earth can this be brushed under the rug?
The greater the humiliation, the greater the rate of evaporation of that feeling and all subsequent dispositions. Make a comfortable world not a hot one.

Re: Midi out of the sequencer ??
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2021, 12:16:28 PM »
This is a damn shame, and why? From the creator of MIDI! How on Earth can this be brushed under the rug?

It definitely is a limiter. I really wish track one could natively send out and receive midi. I'm sure its fixable by software too which is the frustrating thing. The reason I think this is that the soundtower app is able to pull the sequencer note data. It's in there somewhere. I think DSI has moved on from the Pro2 so the next firmware update would have be user generated in an open source way or a developer would need to be paid. I'd be very interested in knowing what the cost would be for developing this. I cant imagine its a total arm and a leg. I would pay out of pocket for a reasonable rate.

Re: Midi out of the sequencer ??
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2022, 02:24:01 PM »
This solution worked for me...

Is the Pro 3 much easier for midi out? Do all lanes automatically get sent to MIDI cc's or something like that?

I got this working after seeing my mod matrix destinations greyed out, also.

This was never explained very well, and there is certainly a specific order in doing this.

1. Lay your notes on Track 1.
2. Copy and paste Track 1 to another track.
3. Set mod source as that new track.
4. Set mod destination to Seq Out (choose your appropriate output# and channel#),  Out1Ch2, for instance. Use either the sequencer or the mod matrix for this, and ignore it being greyed out.
5. Now you have to manually go in and raise the velocity on the individual steps of the *new* track, since  when track 1 was copied to another track, the velocity data was not copied.