I just did a deep dive into this and found several new things in the paraphonic sequencer that I didn't notice before... and maybe found a bug / unintended behavior:
Switch to Paraphonic Mode, and Seq Mode to Paraphonic: ON.
This changes the behavior of [Track Select] + [1] [2] [3]... instead of being the three pages of a Single-Mode sequencer, that key-combo now brings you to the First Page of the Osc1, Osc2, Osc3 note+velocity page. But you can actually access the "sub menus / secondary pages" of all three of them by using the soft menu (.0 note/velocity, .1 duration, .2 ratcheting). (I never tried using soft menu to dive into extra pages in paraphonic mode ie: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, and 3.1, 3.2) So, while the behavior of selecting duration/ratcheting is different, it appears there is still "multiple tracks of data" for each of the three oscillators.
I'm wondering if this is an intended capability? Maybe @pym or @cmdb can chime. I just assumed it was not the case since I figured that each of those first three tracks were just being converted to a different usage in paraphonic mode (and wasn't conceptualizing how that would work with a single VCA)... but maybe those first three tracks can hold all the data of the 3 variables? Actually 4 variables if you consider notenum/velocity as their own. NoteNum, Velocity, Duration, Ratcheting for each of three oscillators?
Most likely, the data is being applied to the pre-filter mixing stage?.. combining the velocity/duration/ratcheting data into pulses/curves that are applied directly to the Osc mix levels? That's actually a really cool capability, if that is the intended behavior.
It does seem this functionality partially works, with some quirks and maybe a bug... but it could present some really interesting possibilities. Here's a few things I've noticed:
1. All three tracks/oscillators do have a ratcheting control page (1.3, 2.3, 3.3), which is individually respected, per osc... very cool! This definitely makes me think a pulse/curve is being dynamically generated and sent to the pre-filter mixer vca for each osc (ie: osc volume) Taking velocity, duration and ratchets and combining them into equivalent pwm pulses.
2. For the ratcheting to work, the duration needs to be set low... for two ratchets, the duration needs to be 50% or less... For four ratchets, it needs to be 25% or less... (actually, the thresholds are slightly higher than those percentages listed for some reason, but those are safe numbers to use... divide 1/Ratchets)
3. Possible bugs:
a. Track 1.1 seems to control the duration of all three of them.
b. Track 2.0 and 3.0 Velocity seems to be tied together sharing the same variable, and controls the velocity of all three.
The other method discussed above of decoupling the VCA envelope from the main VCA level (as a feature request) would actually be a totally different approach to accomplishing similar behavior of paraphonic sequencing (without ratcheting, but with high resolution ADSR envelope curves per oscillator level, before the filter stage)