Ugh... So, after trying out the REVfield patches yesterday, tonight I thought I'd hook the Rev2 up to the rest of my setup. But as usual, I ran into problems... THIS time with the Rev2 being completely off by 7 semitones. So instead of making music, I end up struggling with "technical difficulties" as usual, which kind of kills the inspiration. I suppose I get more fed up each time, so I'll be calling it the "Neverending Story" from now on. Maybe there will be an end to it, so that I can spend my time with IT, instead of this forum, but until then...
I was writing the above while reinstalling the latest OS. I then calibrated the oscs etc, it huuuuung up twice (once before reinstalling the OS, and once after), I then recalled the patented Razmo-calibration routine...

and finally it's in tune again. Maybe Razmos calibration routine should be pinned to the top of the forum for other users who encounter similar problems? I know he has kindly helped a lot of users with various problems, by using his method of calibration.
I know this is not very constructive criticism, but may it ease my growing frustration, I'm really losing patience with it... getting increasingly fed up. IF not for all the bugs and problems, it'd probably be my favourite synth ever. IF some of the feature requests would be implemented on top of that, it most certainly will be. I'm even having a déjà-vu moment writing that sentence...
And so went yet another evening with the Neverending Story...

End of rant