Thank you in advance for your helpful comments. I hope someone can tame some time to read this, as I know it's long.
I'm used to loading drum samples into the s950 and triggieng them from an external machine (I used to use an Roland R8).
Now I have the tempest and I have collected some sysex sound files from Brotha Yargos and others. Mostly these are delivered into the tempest in a beat, so there's like 16 pads of snares, 16 pads of kicks, etc.
Well I'm sure most cats just pick and choose a sound or two form these different beats and import them into a NEW beat with 16 pads of sounds created from these sysex loaded beats.
So let me know if I'm doing the most logical way:
For example , Brotha Yargos has three packs, one beat with 16 bass sounds, one beat with 16 snares/snaps, one beat worth 16 kicks.
So I now have 3 pads with each sysex dump (pad a1 has all bass, pad a2 has snares, pad a3 has all kicks)
So now I make a new pad, a9 let's say.
Now I want to use only one kick, snare, and bass from each of those sysex loaded beats.
So, copy then tap on the pad with the sound (a1 has the bass, so I choose pad3 that has the sound I want)
Then paste [a1/pad3] to the new beat I just made, which is pad A9 [so A9/pad2 lets say]
And rinse and repeat for the other sounds to build a custom beat.
Does this make sense and is this the most logical way to create from other sysex loaded beats?