I still don't think there's a 6 voice fully multi-timbral analog poly that competes with the Tempest is there?
I agree. Pound for dollar, it's a near-perfect poly.
However, to this day, there remains no dotted-8th time division for the LFO, and I will never forgive Chris for not fixing that. Seriously, it's only the most ubiquitous syncopation in all of popular music. I literally informed him of that oversight, day one, and he said "Oops! Ya, I'll fix that...", and never did. And
that, my friends, in so many words, is why the Tempest's OS ended up such a mess. Even in the final push to fix the OS, this was never revisited. As a musician, never mind that we're talking about the basic functionality of a dedicated RHYTHM machine, this is absurd and inconceivable.
Plus, any synth in my rig, poly or otherwise, has to have the option of a legato mode; which, of course, was also documented, promised, and never delivered. I literally bought the Tempest based on that one spec. I mean, who thinks synth drums and basslines, and doesn't bank on having a legato functionality?
That's a rhetorical question. You're not obligated to answer.
