I've been playing around with the Pro 3 in "gated sequencer mode" - ie: Notes Off, just using lanes 4-12 to modulate parameters. One of my favorite things to do with this type of sequencer modulation is to combine it with the arpeggiator in trigger mode to create complex arp patterns.
Instead of using the note sequencer, you use Osc Freq modulation, set to strategic musical intervals (4th, 5th, Octave usually) on targeted steps. When in trigger mode with the arpeggiator, you get the natural arp motion (up/down/assign/etc), combined with the step trigger modulation, so you can create very complex/nuanced arp patterns... and then integrate with other modulation (cutoff, res, envelopes, etc) to create really interesting motion that can be
played live in any key/mode, rather than being locked to a specific note sequence/melodic line.
You can also create modulation patterns like in the Roger Linn Adrenalinn (one of my fav guitar/synth effects pedals) Here I've got four unique patterns in the sequence slots, and I'm just jumping between them.