I think this knob behaviour has been present on all DSI synths since the Prophet 12. The values skipped depend on the range of values for a specific knob. If I recall, a 0-127 range knob has to move by +-3 to get focus and be accurately tracked. On a knob with a wider range - filter cutoff or, even more noticeably, filter envelope amount (which goes from -127 to +127) I think it had to move by +-6 to get focus.
I've always assumed it is a filtering of the physical controls to eliminate any jitter. The Prophet 08 does this too but the tolerances are much finer so it only skips +-1 and the timeout before it filters again is longer. It's not something I ever notice on the '08 but it irritated me on the 12 and Pro 2.
If you hook up a Prophet-6 to a midi monitor or the Soundtower editor it does exactly the same thing too. It's less obvious without a display but very subtle oscillator detuning is trickier than it should be as a result.