Can you "latch" the reset button so that way when you alternate between sequences they each start on the first step as opposed to having to do in manually?
Currently there's no setting to force restart of the sequence to step 1 upon sequence change, with a single button press (A|B|C|D) (one hand operation). Perhaps that could be a firmware request for a new setting? For most cases you probably won't want that behavior anyways... it's usually more useful to keep the beat locked in time and just change which seq phrase steps are played.. and that behavior works perfectly.
There is a "Restart" option in sequencer settings that will cause sequence restart upon hitting any key on the keyboard... and actually that seems to be the best way to trigger a seq restart in time with seq change (you can just hit the middle C key to restart the pattern in the same/default octave... or any other key to transpose the seq up/down and restart). You can also do rapid fire re-trigger/restart from the keyboard using this method.. each key strike re-triggering the step 1, transposed to whatever key you hit... useful for mixing things up and performing fills at end steps of sequence, before resuming normal sequence on downbeat.
Also, if you want to use the FWD, FWD/REV, REV, RAND buttons and trigger a reset simultaneously, you can do it with one hand pretty easily, since the buttons are close together. For example, you can put the seq into Random mode for a bit, and then on the downbeat hit the FWD and RESET buttons with one hand to immediately resume the main seq order in time.
All in all, its the best / most fluid sequencer I've used on a keyboard synth.
It can coax some great cinematic type evolving sounds too - with the massive mod matrix and sequencing options... definitely think you'd enjoy it!
I've got a couple patches I've been working on that have a cinematic horror character to them.