This conversation rings true. In addition to analog synths, I have long been addicted to Nord keyboards. I still have an Electro 3 and Electro 6 (there's a point to this...).
Up until about 2015, Nord only provided patch location information on a teeny-weeny screen, although they have always provided a very good patch manager/editor for Windows and MAC.
My Electro 3 was always adorned with a printout from the software showing which patch was in which location (although I had to use the factory names). Whenever I reimagined my keyboard, I would make a new printout....Nord did provide (on the 73-key versions) large painted regions on both the left and right of the piano top, without controls, where I could tape these in place.
With the Electro 6, they provided a small, simple screen with patch ID, ability to display parameter values by just turning the knobs (which DSI/Sequential DOES provide) and a place you can make up your own name for the patch (a patch can include up to 3 from each of: organ, piano, synth) and a split keyboard setting. This display is perhaps 2.5X the area of the OB-6 display, however, this simple feature causes me to always take one of the Nords for live settings unless there is special need for an analog synth.
What annoys me the most is that there is absolutely NO real estate upon which to tape a patch list! matter how small I make the font.