Nope. Adding Latency doesn't work because of two reasons:
• it's only the first cycle of the LFO's that is too short.
• the MIDI notes will move together with the LFO.
In the image below you can see this problem. LFO is set to Filter Cutoff, wave reset ON.
The note starts on the beat at 1.3, but because the first cycle is too short with wave reset on, the second cycle of the LFO (8ths speed) comes in too early (the highlighted part).
All the other cycles are in the correct tempo (but shifted in time because of that first cycle) and because of that there's even a 5th cycle starting (at the end, before midi bar 2) before the following midi note drops.

The timing doesn't feel right, you can clearly hear this. Try sequencing your Pro 2 from another sequencer, DAW or hardware doesn't matter. Set up some 4th or even longer 1/2 notes exactly on the beat and assign a sawtooth LFO to cutoff with 1/8ths speed. Make sure Wave Reset is ON, you want to start the LFO exactly together with the note. Maybe add a little Envelope attack to the filter to accentuate the start of the note. You can hear double attacks of the filter because the LFO speed is shifted (remember the first cycle being a little bit too short) and it will already start another unwanted cycle just before the next note comes in. Because of the Envelope to the filter, you can hear this clearly when the note starts. Layer this with another synth doing the same, or record it if you really can't hear this. It's more than obvious and feels very sloppy and ... well just un-synced.