That would be great if an update gave us some ping pong and other cool stereo placement tricks, like a TC or Fractal processor.
Hey, I'm not asking for much! Just emulate a $1200 fx box or a Strymon or something....
That would be nice But I always use external effects. It’s way too much to ask to have a killer synthesizer and then expect them to also include several hundred dollars worth of DSP for effects.
My all-time favorite secret weapon magic box is the Fractal Axe Fx ii. I’m only mentioning it because you did and because I can’t believe more keyboard players don’t use it probably because they’re not guitar players.

The Amp distortion is otherworldly with synth bass and all the cheesy 80’s studio multi fx patches are incredible on pads and ambient stuff.
I would rather they spend all their money on keyboard related bells and whistle‘s and leave the effects to us.
Soundtoys plugins are my favorite plugin for the Pro 3.
That being said, it would be nice to have a few more controls for the “stereo delay“