But my answer to the general question is: the best Eventide box you can afford. H8000, Eclipse, H9.
Based on how much I see Eventide's reverbs and delays mentioned I've got to say I'm feeling pretty inclined to check into their stuff more closely. The Strymon effects seem pretty interesting too. I'll start saving up
To add to the previous question -- do you all tend to use the same effects for live performance as well as recording/studio use or do you find certain effects work best for certain applications?
In no way did I intend to belittle the Strymon effects -- I have several of them and they are TOP NOTCH. And I agree with Igglethorpe: if you want a reverb stomp box, and only ONE reverb stomp box, the Strymon BigSky is hard to compete with. And you did stress reverb in your original question.
But if you expand the topic just a little bit to include all effects (choruses, phasers, flangers, pitch mod, granular crystals, etc.) the H9 is your box (unless of course you step up to one of the larger Eventide rack boxes -- even an older H3000 would be dreamy with a DSI synth). I know this is the P12 section of the forum, but I once put my OB-6 through the H9 distortion algorithm... oh mother!