Simple -but important- feature request: envelope retriggering (always)
I would like to ask for a feature request that's been hindering a lot of things I'm trying to do on the Pro3:
On for example the Sub37, you can set an envelope to always retrigger from the start, whenever you press a note. This is very handy for when example you try to play a slow, soft melody with a long attack time.
As it is now the envelopes react like with voice stealing, causing a sharp attack spike for every legato played note. Very annoying, I have to adapt my playing style and use reverb and delay to compensate for the untied notes.
You could put it as an extra option in the misc params: on (which is the current) off (no retrig), and all (always)
This would really benefit the range of this synth, and it seems like a quite easy fix!