The sequencer is the main reason I got the Pro 3 personally.
Yeah, sequencer was definitely at the top of my list too!... though the three filter options and 32x mod matrix was up there as well. Basically, as soon as I read the specs I started GAS'n hard. Really pleased with it so far.
Nice demo!
Yeah this is a super sweet sequencer. The realtime ratchet control you mentioned would be nice. Per step probability would be nice too.
The modulation sequencing is basically Elektron parameter lock style--but with the richer sounds and routing options that the Pro 3 has--super nice.
Thanks. Yes - Probability per step would be really cool too!
I was thinking about possible implementation of these type of things last night as insomnia took over... upon considering it further, I think the optimal scenario would be for a few new Mod Destinations to be exposed, if possible, for the first three Seq Tracks:
New Seq Mod Destinations Possible?These would not need to be per step destinations... just a single offset for each that affects all the steps.
Seq Ratcheting OffsetWould offset the ratcheting for note sequencer - affecting all steps as they play. Then we could assign Mod Wheel, Slider, LFO or other controls to the Global Ratcheting Offset, for cool Aphex Twin style rapid fire on demand... And even do things like bring down decay envelopes simultaneously with increasing ratcheting, which would provide super cool rapid fire effects if mapped from slider, foot pedal, mod wheel, lfos, random number generator, etc...
Seq Duration OffsetWould offset the duration of each note - offsetting all steps as they play. Mapping performance controls to Seq Note Duration would allow dynamic switching from legato to staccato type playback. A swing of foot pedal or slider would dynamically change the sequence feel.
Seq Velocity OffsetWould offset the velocity of each note - offsetting all steps as they play. This would provide another way to dynamically perform build ups, transitions and breakdowns in real time. Routing from a performance input like slider, mod wheel, foot pedal would be great for live alteration. Routing Random or LFO to Seq Velocity offset would be really interesting too.
Chris, Carson - Any thoughts as to whether this is possible to add a few destinations for the First Three Seq Track Parameters?... to globally offset all steps for ratcheting, duration, and velocity? It would provide some seriously awesome additional capabilities for live mangling of sequences.