I'm really enjoying all the real time controls for mangling sequences on the fly!
One thought that occurred to me is that it would be a really cool for real time performance if there was a way to Temporarily Engage Note Ratcheting - a NOTE RATCHET MOMENTARY MODE / GLOBAL RATCHET OFFSET. Perhaps using one of the soft knobs in the sequencer screen. (ie Seq Modes > knob 3 and 4 are unused currently) (or BPM Screen > knob 4 ... next to Swing Control)
Basically, I'm just envisioning a way for while a sequence is playing to have a sort of MOMENTARY ON/OFF capability to have all notes start ratcheting with rapid fire, while still staying at same BPM Sync / Step pattern.
Preferably, if tied to a soft knob with 7bit resolution, it might go from:
00-16: OFF
17-32: +1 to All Ratchet Seq Trk3 Steps
33-48: +2 to All Ratchet Seq Trk3 Steps
49-64: +3 to All Ratchet Seq Trk3 Steps
65-80: +4 to All Ratchet Seq Trk3 Steps
81-96: +5 to All Ratchet Seq Trk3 Steps
97-106: +6 to All Ratchet Seq Trk3 Steps
107-118: +7 to All Ratchet Seq Trk3 Steps
119-128: +8 to All Ratchet Seq Trk3 Steps
Where lower values might have a larger sweet spot of range, and as you turn up to max, it more quickly ratchets up the rapid fire effect.
It would be a cool live performance effect to provide quick note scattering / rapid fire notes- Either for just adding additional variance to the sequences on the fly, or it could be used for build ups or transition effects.
One alternative to this possible implementation outlined above would be to expose some of the SEQ TRACKS as DESTINATIONS in mod matrix... not sure if this is possible, or a giant can of worms, but if we could set a destination of SEQ TRACK 3 (and possibly TRACK 2 or others), then we could directly assign a foot pedal, mod wheel or various other sources to momentary ratcheting control, or other seq track items. It would just increase whatever is in the track for all steps - ie: a global offset to all steps by the modulation amount. Could possibly be useful for Seq Note Duration too.
Anyways, just thinking out loud..