Hi Yorgos,
I'm a bit confused with cabling of the 6 individual outs. First, how many TRS to TS cables do I need ( I'm referring to the type of cables as shown on the forum the x1 1/4 Inch TRS Male to x2 TS Male ?
How do I go on plugging the cables? Is it right plugging the TRS jack(s) into the individual out(s) from the Tempest and then TS jack(s) into my mixing desk? Am I right there? If so I suppose I need 6 of these cables (and use 12 ins from my mixer) ? What about hybrid solutions, let's say 4 voices onto 8 ins (using TRS-TS Y cables) and 4 voices using say mono to
mono jacks??
I' d be grateful you help me on that one as it seems there is no documentation on this on the manual or elsewhere on the forum.
Frank Rouge