One thing I am beginning to wonder is, if the analog oscillators are handled like on an Evolver, or the other analog polysynths... I am thinking in regard to ADC... are the analog oscillator allways converted to digital, and then everything is digital until converted back to analog before the mixer or filter? Or are the signal path kept analog all the way up to the parallel convertion right before the FX section?
I am wondering because the PRO3 still sport a VCA separately for all three oscillators for better paraphonic playabillity... I wonder if these VCAs are digital or actually analog for all three oscillators... on PRO2 I believe they are digital as that would be the most logical since it is the cheapest way and the oscillators are digital anyway, but with PRO3s mixed oscillators, I have to wonder if the VCAs are digital and prior to convertion right before the mixer (or is the mixer also digital?), or if the VCAs are analog and right after convertion to analog before the mixer.
Would be nice to see a signal flow diagram.
Pretty sure Dave said in one of the many run throughs that the signal flow is all analog until the fx except for the digi osc. I'd guess that the VCOs are multiplied with one split hitting an analog to digital converter just before entering the matrix. I don't know if it would be cheaper to use a digital VCA in the mixer anyhow since you'd need a converter to get it back to analog before the filter, whereas in the Pro it's probably all software before the filter.
Well, if the signal is analog all the way up to the matrix/fx section, then the analog vcos must have analog vcas for their individual vca envelopes... The question then is, if the digital oscillator has a digital vca before its dac to save components for an analog vca, or if they took the full step and gave it an analog vca after the dac.
Anyway... If the digital oscillator is allready digital, and the whole signal path up to the matrix/fx is converted to digital, it would have been cool if the digital osc had a digital VCA, and then given a routing option to bypass the analog mixer, vcf and vca, and get mixed straight into the digital conversion at the matrix/fx... Simply to route the digital vco completely around the analog part.
Why? Because wavetables let you create simulated filters and can change timbres without the need of a filter. In fact it would have been cool if the digital oscillator had a dedicated character section that would have given it air, girth, drive etc. In addition to bit crushing and a full palette of digital filters. That would have made the digital osc able to work as a self contained layer, perfect for creating transients for both synth and percussive sounds, letting the analog oscillators perform as the sustained portion of the sound..
The Tempest had this routing of its digital oscillators option or similar, and it was perfect for creating more options in creating sounds I recall.
But then again, you could amways wish for more and more complicating matters further. I guess I should be happy if they just decided to implement a preset stored user waveTABLE... Not waveFORMS... Just the ability to select 16 waveFORMS to put in a waveTABLE stored with the preset.
The PRO3 allready have 512 waveFORMS in memory to choose from, and they could add more later... Would be totally device transparent... No need for dumping of either waveTABLES or waveFORMS, and presets would transfer seamlessly between different PRO3s.
I really hope that Sequential would consider that approach. Actually this is exactly what they did in both Prophet 12 and PRO2... The wavetables there could be chosen for the three slots they have... In PRO3 it is just 16 slots to choose instead if they made this.