And when I've found the money, I will order this dual sampler Eurorak module to be a steady companion with the PRO3's CV/Gte in and outs... Will give some nice abilities to mess around with one shot single and looped samples in the PRO3 engine... I don't want more modules because the mangling of this module is the PRO3's job via it's CV ins and outs... that way I can create presets on PRO3 that can be saved and recalled, used for samples, and the only parameter I need to do manually is the sample itself, whih is exactly the only parameter I would not want to be saving at all, but rather be browsing manually from the module itself... thus this combi will become hardwired... a PRO3 with two analog oscillators, a Wavetable oscillator and two sample oscillators

The module has CV input 1V/O plus for changing sample start, length and even the sample itself, so I could in essence completely store it's whole setup in a PRO3 preset, simply by using mod source DC to select the sample. It also has input for reverse playback, and even an output that signal when a sample stop playing... changing all of these parameters and having the option to use PRO3 envelopes, LFOs, Sequencer etc. is quite nice... and all that even at audio rate.
The module also lets you sample, and even via a gate signal from the PRO3 if you want to.
Each SD card can store up to 600 samples set in banks with 10 samples each. quite powerful module.