It may be a stupid question to ask but just to make sure, let me start from a very basic one.
Have you read this and did as what it says there??,69.0.html
Hi there,
yes, I read it but to be honest, I really don`t get it. I just want to connect my Moog Minitaur with the Pro 2. Still not working...
For notes/gate/program changes, I'd use a midi cable. Use CV for other stuff like volume and filter.
You'll get off the ground quicker with midi. By default, the midi note transmission of the Pro2 is an octave higher than you want for the Minitaur. You'll need to use the Pro2 mod matrix and adjust the Pro2 patch to remedy this (sending "note number"). I haven't fully resolved this part yet. The Minitaur will "note alias" in the higher register which makes this more confusing to figure out.
Oh, and beware that the gate output of the Pro2 is 10v. Moog says that will technically work, but they advise against repeated prolonged used of it. And there's no way to adjust the gate output level of the Pro2 with the current firmware, so best to use an attenuator. Which lead me to MIDI for notes and gate.
Thank you for your help, but here the same, I don`t understand how to get it with midi 
I would be really happy if someone of you guys could explain me how to do this.
Thank you so much!!!!!
Heya.. first Post

so i will give it a try to help..
Connect a Midi Cable to the "Midi Out" on your Pro2 to the "Midi In" of your Minitaur..
Check your global options that "Midi Out Select" reads Midi
-Turn the on board oszillators off.
-Open your Filters .. crank up the VCA Release , Sustain and the EXT Input Level.
I think you can also send a Control Voltage (DC) to the "VCA" to keep it open via the Mod Matrix.
This is basically my setup with my Korg MS20m.. everything works fine.
To seq. your Minitaur set the "Seq Track Destination" on any Track other then 1 to "Seq Out 1 Ch1" which stands for Midi Port 1 (Out) and "Midi Channel 1"
If you really want to use CV then you gotta set Note Number > 127 > CV 1 Out so you can play via Keyboard. But here even with a DC offset of -64 to the CV 1 Out which gives you exactly 5v
the Pitch Tracking is out of tune for me. The Scale options in Global dont really help for that..
Hope I could help.